標題: 針對 Java Applets 的簽名系統
A System for Signing Java Applets
作者: 周學道
Chow, Hsueh-Tao
Chia-Hoang Lee
關鍵字: 爪哇;簽名;保密學;Java;applet;RSA;signing;signature
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 本論文描述一針對Java Applets的簽名系統之實作。整個系統分為兩部份 。第一部份稱為Key Manager﹔第二部份稱為Simple Browser。第一部份 的功能是要對Applets簽名並管理簽名所用之鑰匙。第二部份則是一個執 行平台﹐用來測試被簽名的Applets。在系統中﹐RSA演算法被用來當作簽 名演算法。簽名的方式是把Applets的前128個位元組加密。每個Applets 的作者用他個人的私有鑰匙簽名﹐而其他想要執行這個被簽名的Applets 的人﹐必須用相對應的公開鑰匙對其解密後方可執行。不正確的簽名將導 致錯誤的Applets格式﹐而錯誤格式的Applets是不能被執行的。如此一來 ﹐便可以分辨Applets的來源是否受信任﹐而達到保護系統之目的。 The thesis proposed a system for signing Java applets.The overall system consists of two parts.The first part is called Key Manager,while the second partis called Simple Browser.The function of the first part is to manage public/private keys and sign applets.The second part is a testing platform for executingthe signed applets based on our approach.The RSA public-key algorithm is used as the signingfunction.The first 128 bytes of applets are encryptedand are treated as the signature of applets.The author of an applet uses his own private key to encrypt the applet while the others use the corresponding public key to decrypt the applet before executing the signed applet.The incorrect signature will result in the incorrect format of the appletand cause the applet not executable.The system can then certificate whether the applet comes from the trusted source or not.