標題: 遠距合作設計環境之設計與製作
Design and Development of a Distant Cooperative Design Environment
作者: 張育誠
Chang, Yu-Cheng
Chuen-Tsai Sun
關鍵字: 合作設計;cooperative design
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 隨著電腦與網路技術的蓬勃發展,透過網路與人合作的重要性愈來愈受到 重視,如何完成有效率、有效果的合作引起廣泛的討論。在本論文裡,我 們以合作設計做為我們的主要合作活動,並且提出四種的合作分工模式, 配合合作所需的要素發展出一個遠距合作設計的系統環境。 本系統環境 架構在全球資訊網(World Wide Web)上,提供彼此評論、同步與非同步 溝通、資源共享等工具支援,並且針對不同的合作分工模式,探討不同的 小組合作行為,幫助瞭解合作行為的產生過程,以作為合作設計環境設計 的參考依據。 As the wide-spread evolution of computer network technology, the importance ofcooperating with others through the network receives more and more attention.There has been intense discussion on achieving efficient and effective cooperative work. In this thesis, cooperative design is chosen to be our main cooperative activity. Besides, we propose four kinds of cooperative modes and develop a distant cooperative design environment based on the elements of cooperation.This system, providing tools in support of interactive comment, synchronousand asynchronous communications, shared resource, and so on, is constructedon the World Wide Web. In addition, we explore different group cooperativeactions in accordance with different cooperative modes in order to realize theprocess of cooperation and to set standard for the construction of a cooperative design environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis