標題: 網路合作設計環境中群組互動型態與思考風格對設計效果之影響
The Designing Effects of Different Group Interactive Styles and Thinking Styles in the Internet Collaborative Designing Environment
作者: 巫偉萍
關鍵字: 合作設計;思考風格;問題導向學習;資料探勘;同質組;異質組;Collaborative Design;Thinking Style;Problem-based learning;Data Mining;homogeneous group;heterogeneous group
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 遠距合作設計是以具有多媒體特性的全球資訊網(World Wide Web)為工具,打破時空阻隔,與過去傳統教學有著相當差異的新建構學習策略。本研究旨在找出一個適合有效合作設計的分組方式,以增進學生間良好的互動關係和設計表現,期望能做為未來網路合作設計活動的參考。 本研究是以交通大學學習科技實驗室「遠距合作設計」為平台進行網路合作設計的實驗,採實驗研究法分析在網路合作設計中,不同的思考風格分組型態對於設計成效之影響,並利用資料探勘的技術來分析群組的合作模式,最後以內容分析法探討學生合作互動歷程及相關影響因素。 本研究結果發現不同思考風格的學生在使用「聊天室」的討論工具時有顯著差異;而群組的互動頻率與設計成果有顯著正相關;另外,異質組的合作設計成果顯著優於同質組。
The purpose of the study is to explore how to group learners according to their thinking styles for the internet cooperating designing activities in order to improve their interactive relationship and performance. With "Distant Collaborative Design" in the Learning Lab of National Chiao Tung University as a platform, designing effects of different thinking styles in the internet collaborative designing context are analyzed through empirical research methods. Then, the cooperating modes of different groups are analyzed by the data mining technology. At last, the interacting processes and other affecting factors are studied through qualitative research methods. Based on the analysis results of this study, there are three conclusions. One is that the learners of different thinking styles have obvious differences in using "chatting room" as their discussing tool. Another is that the interacting frequency among a group has a positive relationship to their designing performance. The third is that the performance of the heterogeneous group is superior to that of the homogeneous group.