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dc.contributor.authorWang, Chung-jenen_US
dc.contributor.author陳光華, 張保隆en_US
dc.contributor.authorChen Quang-Hwa, Chang Pao-Longen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文以服務過程品質與服務結果品質兩方面來衡量整體服務品質,本研 究之房屋仲介服務過程品質以學者PZB所提之服務品質差距五,既消費者之 期望與實際感受服務的差距為基礎,服務結果品質則以消費者對房屋仲介 服務的成交價格,成交速度與交易安全的滿意程度做為建構的基礎.本研究 以台北市一般大眾及房屋仲介服務之委託售屋服務為研究主體. 房屋 仲介業隨台灣經濟快速起飛,有心業者也努力改善想提昇服務品質,但服務 糾紛仍頻傳,顯示消費大眾對房屋仲介業者所提供之服務仍有不滿之處.房 屋仲介服務具有高度互動性,顧客化程度高,服務結果變動性大及牽涉高度 專業知識等特性,消費者實不易評斷房屋仲介服務的過程之良窳,且大部份 的研究文獻集中在針對房屋仲介服務的過程做衡量,無法綜合服務過程與 服務結果做整體衡量.跟據研究結果得出結論如下:1.未曾接受過房屋仲介 服務者相較於未曾接觸房屋仲介者,對服務品質服務水準期望較高,但對服 務品質衝重要性的看法則無顯著差異. 2.房屋仲介整體服務品質受服務過 程品質與服務結果品質共同影響之,且服務結果品質與整體服務品質的相 關程度高於服務過程品質與整體服務品質的相關程度 The main point of paper is to evaluate overall real estate brokerage servicequality (SQ) by both service process and outcome quality. Service process quality is construct by SQ gap 5 of PZB SQ model. Service outcome quality is construct by customers satisfactions about three dimensions including selling price ,spent timeand transaction process. As the economy in Taiwan continues properously, the service industry of real estate brokerage grows fast. But there'sstill cognition gaps and troubles between customers and real estatebrokers andagents, although most of realtors try to improve service quality. Above, it describe a phonomenon that customers are unsatisfied with service that provided by realtors and real estate brokers. The characteristics of services provided by realtors are customizing,interacting frequently and closely between seller ,buyer and realtors,uncertainly service results, and involving with wide scope of specialized knowledge in service process. General public can't easily evaluate the entire service quality whether is good enough or not.At the same time,most of literatures focus on only evaluating service process ,not including service outcomes and results. The results of research are following:1.The expectation level of service attributes by those that never reached the service provided by realtors is higher than those reached. The importance of service attributes is indifferent. 2.Overall real estate SQ perceived by customers is related to both service process quality and service outcomes quality. And thecorrelation-coefficient between overall SQ and service outcome quality is higher than coefficient between overall SQ and service process quality.zh_TW
dc.subjectService Qualityen_US
dc.subjectReal Estate Brokerageen_US
dc.titleThe Research of Real Estate Brokerage Service Quality Perceived by Customersen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis