標題: 高科技新建廠房的工程危害鑑別與預防
Hazard Identification and Prevention during the Construction of a New High-Tech FAB
作者: 吳新富
關鍵字: 高科技廠房;危害鑑別;危害預防;建廠管理;勞安衛管理;Hi-tech Fab (Fabrication);Hazard Identification;Hazard Prevention;Construction Project Management;Labor Safety and Health Management
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 營建業為一高風險、高職業災害發生率之產業,其重大職業災害發生率更居所有產業之首;然而,為了提昇競爭優勢與降低成本,搶得市場機會並提升市場佔有率,高科技產業之技術及產品不斷推陳出新,其建廠過程便往往需以極具效率之方式進行;另外,因高科技廠房之結構配置及營建工程特性迥異於一般營建物,故在廠房營建過程中,更容易發生勞工安全衛生事故。 本論文以中部科學工業園區某半導體晶圓廠新建廠房營建工程為例,對建廠各階段工程中勞工所面臨之主要危害類別加以分析及探討,並對各主要危害之預防改善方式做整理,再加上高科技廠房營建工程勞工安全衛生之管理經驗及心得,以期能建立及尋求更佳之勞工安全衛生管理模式,以作為日後國內其他高科技廠房營建工程管理之參考。
Construction industry is an industry characterized with high risks and high incidental rate of occupational hazards. Besides, its major occupational incidental rate is the highest among all industries. For the purpose of enhancing the competitiveness, reducing the cost, and increasing the market share, the technologies and products of high-tech industry are always kept updating. Hence the construction of a new fab always has to be proceeded with high speed and efficiency. Moreover, the structure and construction characteristics of a high-tech fab are very different from those of a traditional industry. Occupational accidents in the high-tech industry may occur much more frequent than other industries. This thesis takes the construction engineering of a new semiconductor Fab building located in Central Taiwan Science Park as an example. The major hazards faced by labors during each stage of the construction have been analyzed and identified, and the ways of preventing the main hazards have been implemented and integrated. The management experience and the lessons learned about the labor safety and health during the construction of a high-tech fab are also covered in this thesis. It is hoped that this thesis helps the industry to establish a better management model and are useful to other high-tech fab construction projects. Key word: Hi-tech Fab (Fabrication), Hazard Identification, Hazard Prevention, Construction Project Management, Labor Safety and Health Management
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