Title: 半導體業高空作業工法與決策分析之研究
A Research of Methodology for High Place Operation and Strategic
Authors: 謝博翰
Hsieh, Po-Han
Chang, Edward
Keywords: 高空作業;墜落;決策分析;創新工法;Aerial Works;Fall;Strategic Decision;Innovative Work-flow
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 根據新竹科學園區管理局公佈的職業災害統計,民國八十九年至九十六年間共有十四件重大職業災害;死亡人數高達12位,受傷者7位。其中屬於高空作業類型的死亡事故高達7位,佔死亡人數一半以上比例,高空作業的重要及危險性由此可見!
常見的高空作業工法 (如施工架、移動式起重機、吊籠、高空作業車 ---) 均有其特定適用的目的及範圍;本研究將半導體業經常運用的各種高空作業工法進行環境分析及優缺點比較,並歸納整理,發展一套系統評估流程 (施工高度、急迫性、環境地形限制、作業條件) 與決策分析工具 (安全性、成本、作業效率、施工者舒適度)。在實際應用上,工程的環境背景也許只有單一工法必需排除萬難小心執行;但若是遇到同時有多種工法可供選擇時,此可提供工程人員進行施工前的比較分析與決策。
According to the accidents statistics reported by HsinChu Science Park Administration, totaled 14 major occupational accidents occurred between 2000 and 2007; in which 12 persons were fatally and 7 persons were injured. Besides, up to 7 persons who died in fatal accidents were happened in aerial work, which exceeded 50% of the people dead. The importance of safety and damage prevention in aerial work should be emphasized.
There are several distinct types of aerial work (such as Scaffolds, Cranes, Gondolas and Aerial Work Platforms, etc.) which all have specific features for different applications. The object of this study is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various aerial work methods adopted by Semiconductor industries, and proposing a systematical evaluating flow (height constrain, environment limitation, operation condition) and a strategic analysis methodology (safety, cost, operation efficiency). The study is supposed to help operators to choose a best solution and make decisions when they have a variety ways to execute.
When the method of aerial work is special; or the cost is too high with traditional operation, we should come out a new method to fit the reality, instead of insist on old tools. In this study, we bring up some cases that usually confronted by Semiconductor industries. Through systematic analysis and creative thinking to come out a new execution method that assisted with safety consideration, then compare the achievement after execution. The results can help decision making on aerial work for Semi-conductor Industries.
Appears in Collections:Thesis