Title: 橋梁工程勞工安全管理之研究
A Study of Labor Safety Management of Bridge Engineering
Authors: 林建平
Chien-Ping Lin
趙 文 成
Dr.Wen-Chen Jau
Keywords: 橋梁工程;勞工;安全管理;墜落;bridge engineering;labor;safety management;falling accidents
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 在國家建設計劃中,交通運輸工程的建設佔了相當重要的地位,而在台灣多山的地形與環境條件下,無論高速鐵路、公路與捷運系統,一個完整運輸網路必須牽涉到橋梁建設。以82-90年來統計橋梁施工災害件數共有95件,死傷人數多達181人,而且在921大地震以後,多數橋梁經過此考驗,已被鑑定為危橋,需再投入時間、經費、人力重建或維修,而在重建或維修過程中,潛在著各式危害類型如物體倒塌、被撞、被夾、感電、物體飛落、墜落滾落危害等,且根據案例分析內容發現墜落災害發生佔了橋梁工程多數以上以及缺乏勞工安全衛生管理之有效實施,致使災害一再發生,為有效防止墜落相關災害再次發生,本研究首先著手蒐集國內外相關文獻、法規及國內橋梁施工災害案例,將相關資料加以整理、分析及實施風險危害辨識,找出主要橋梁工法之危害因子及管理上之缺失不足處,提供因應防止對策及評估建議事項,並再以橋梁工程開口墜落相關危害因子研擬作業安全管理機制及有效實施管理檢查項目,以作為日後營建業者及橋梁工程相關主管機關之參考。

Public transportations are very important for a national construction planning. A perfect transportation net no matter for high speed rail road, high way or mass rail transportation shall include bridge construction. The accident issue from bridge construction was analysis amount to 95 nos. from 1993 to 2001, the death and injured amount to 181nos. Most bridges are identified as dangerous bridges after 921 earthquake. For the maintenance and repairing works, more manpower and budget shall be involved. However, we found the potential dangerous, such as collapse, bump, falling, exists during the maintenance and repairing period , falling is the most serious case. Moreover, lacking of safety and hygiene relevant management also caused the accidents. All the relevant articles, laws and domestic bridge construction accidents are collected , analyzed and carried out the hazard analyzed. To avoid the same accident occur, this study mainly focus on the dangerous factors of bridge construction and the defects of safety management to provide the prevention measurements and suggestions as reference for the construction business in the future .

As analysis data shown, falling accident 46%, the most serious case among bridge construction accidents, next collapse accident 28%. There is strong connection between working seniority and construction accident, most of the accident site are not under well safety management, such as self inspection action, safety training, and safety engineer. Regarding improvement of safety and hygiene management, I suggest our government shall set up a self-inspection system for bridge construction method, training for relevant management level, safety equipments to prevent falling on site, the authority power of safety members, the risk evaluation of site insurance, to enhance the self safety management and reduce occupational accident.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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