標題: 以PROMIS系統監控之模擬晶圓廠的構建
The Construction of a Pseudo Fab. Based on PROMIS System
作者: 羅聲磐
Luo, Sheng-Parn
Perng, Der-Baau
Wu, Muh-Cherng
關鍵字: 製造執行系統;MES;PROMIS
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 晶圓製造除了需要有高度的專業技術外,亦需投入大量的資金,用以與建廣房、購買機台,以及添購適宜的軟體配備,目的就是在使整廣生產績效達到最好。而製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System, MES)便是晶圓廣裡一項相當重要而不可或缺的軟體系統。 在目前全球半導體廣所使用的MES系統中,PROMIS軟體是市場佔有率相當高的一套MES系統。本研究欲構建一個用PROMIS系統監控之模擬晶圓廣,首先以PROMIS之系統架構為基礎,構建晶圓廣生產現場的機器設備等資料,搭配上一定的生產流程,以期能模擬晶圓廠生產行為;現階段先模擬單一機台的加工及操作情形,並由PROMIS來控制、記錄各項生產活動的執行,以及管理生產現場的機器設備狀況。此種虛擬機臺在PROMIS監控下之動作管理情境的模擬,能幫吾人助瞭解生產現場之實際動作。
MES (Manufacturing Execution System) is an important element in performing real time monitoring and control in the operations of a wafer fab. PROMIS system is a proprietary MES software which is widely used in wafer fabs. To help users understand the operation mechanisms of a MES, this research aims to construct a pseudo fab. on which the PROMIS sytem could be used to perform real time control. The pseudo fab, includes the allocation of fab. equipment and product process flows. For a paritcular machine, we use a personal computer to emulate the function of the fab. equipment and emulate the interaction between the equipment and the PROMIS system.