标题: DSP Based运动控制法则之研究-PID控制器、前馈控制器设计与调适
The Study of DSP Based Motion Control Algorithm- PID Controller, Feedforward Controller Design and Tuning
作者: 蔡锡源
Tsay, Shyi-Yuan
Lee, An-Chen
关键字: DSP;PID
公开日期: 1997
摘要: 本论文主要之目的为发展DSP Based运动控制系统中,伺服控制回路的参数自动调适法则。其实现方法是利用DSP运动控制卡当受控端,配合PC当主控端,以PC上亲和的人机界面来帮助使用者作控制器的参数自动调适工作。在伺服控制回路上,采用-PI-D型的控制器,配合前馈控制器,以使系统能够达到较好的效能;在个人电脑方面,利用Borland公司的C++ Builder编译器,在Windows95作业系统下发展一人机界面来完成控制器的参数设计与调适。整个设计流程可分为系统鉴别、PI-D控制器设计与调适以及前馈控制器设计与调适。
The objective of this thesis is to develop a high performance parameters tuning algorithm of servo control loop which are based on the DSP Based motion-control system. The tuning algorithm will be realized on dual-CPU architecture - master CPU and slave CPU. The master CPU is PC which handles the man-machine interface (MMI) and parameters tuning of feedback and feedforward controller. And the slave CPU is DSP which handles the feedback and feeaforward servo control.
The design procedure of thesis includes the follows (1) investigation and software realization of system identification, (2) the design and realization of PI-D feedback controller and feedforward controller, (3) the parameters tuning of PI-D feedback and feedforward controller. Finally, the experimental verification for the above works is done and the MMI using C++ Builder is developed to aid user to tune parameters.