Title: 幾何模型之局部編修
Geometric Modeling with Local Modifications
Authors: 謝李富
Shieh, Lee-Fu
Chen, Da-Pan
Keywords: 幾何模型;高次多項式
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本篇論文主要是探討如何應用高次多項式來協助幾何模型的局部編修。我們使用高次多項式的理由是因為其具有良好的曲線造形及優異的操控性。首先,我們在編修曲面上拉出一條剖面參考曲線決定編修曲面的大致外觀,其次拉出另一條外形參考曲線決定前一條曲線在該方向的流線造形,最後再應用摻合函數以內插的方式建構出編修曲面。
The aim of this research study is to apply the polymial equation of a higher-degree to modify geometric modeling locally. The reson for using a higher-degree curve segment is for better shape modification and manipulation. First, we set a curve as reference curve of section to define the profile of modified patch, then set another curve as reference curve of shape to define the tangent vector of the first curve in its direction. Finally, we use the Hermitian functions to evaluate the data points between patch boundaries and reference curves by interpolation.
To achieve local adjustment, we replace the original parametric cubic curve segment by a parametric curve segment of a higher degree. Naturally, the replacing curve segment must satisfy the original set of continuity conditions at the joint. By extending this concept of curve local adjustment to the parametric surface model, a versatile geometric modeling module can be accomplished with a reasonalble amount of effort.
Appears in Collections:Thesis