标题: 考虑缺陷来源与群聚现象之积体电路良率模式
Integrated Circuit Yield Model with Defect Source and Defect Clustering
作者: 傅旭正
Hsu-Cheng Fu
Tong Lee-Ing
关键字: 良率;积体电路;良率管理;良率模式;缺陷;缺陷群聚;晶圆;缺陷来源;integrated circuit;wafer;yield;yield management;yield model;defect;defect clustering;defect source, neural networks
公开日期: 1998
摘要: 良率(yield)是积体电路业者获利的一个重要指标,为了能快速、有效地提升良率,于是有良率管理(yield management)的提出。良率管理的领域非常广泛,凡能够提升良率的方法,都包含在良率管理之中;而良率管理中,最重要的工具就是能够提供预测功能的良率模式(yield model)。
传统良率模式因只考虑到缺陷(defect)数目与良率间的关系,所以求出的良率模式无法具有高准确度,而近年来所发展的修正过之良率模式,又因过于复杂而导致实际应用上受到限制。本研究将同时考虑晶圆(wafer)上的缺陷来源、缺陷数目以及缺陷群聚(defect cluster)对于良率的影响,利用类神经网路可建立预测模型的功能,来有效地解决传统良率模式的精确度问题。此外,因为类神经网路应用简易,所以本研究利用类神经网路所构建出之良率模式也没有修正过的良率模式使用过于复杂的问题。
For the integrated circuits (IC) manufacturer, the yield of each wafer is a key index to evaluate the profit. Therefore, yield management has been developed to promote the yield quickly and effectively. One of the most important tool in the yield management is the yield model. The conventional yield models considered only the correlation between the defect counts and the yield, consequently, the models can not predict the yield accurately. The prediction becomes worse when the wafer size increases and the defect clustering phenomenon becomes more apparent. Although the modified yield models have better prediction than that of the conventional yield model, the modified yield model are too complicated for engineers to use in practice. This study considers the effects of defect sources, defect counts and defect clustering on wafer and builds a forecasting yield model by using the neural networks. The proposed yield model not only can promote the prediction power efficiently, but also is very easy to implement. The proposed yield model is illustrated by a real case provided by an IC manufacturer in Taiwan to verify the effectiveness of the proposed yield model. Comparisons are also made among the conventional yield models, modified yield models and the proposed yield model.