Title: 虛擬晶圓廠生產資料倉儲之模式構建研究-PROMIS與Oracle資料傳輸之模擬實作
The Construction of Production Data Warehouse For a Virtual Fab-The Implementation of Data TransmissionBetween PROMIS and Oracle
Authors: 田式農
Shih-Nung Tien
Der-Baau Perng
Keywords: 虛擬晶圓廠;資訊技術;資料倉儲化;生產資料倉儲;Virtual Fab;Information Technology;Data Warehousing;Production Data Warehouse
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 虛擬晶圓廠之理念能否獲致成功,運用新的資訊技術並落實新的製造服務機制是其中兩個重要關鍵。本研究嘗試運用資料倉儲化的資訊技術,以達到虛擬晶圓廠之訂單的可見性、快速回應使用者查詢以及提供生產狀況之預警的三大功能,並提出一個適合虛擬晶圓廠的生產資料倉儲之結構與發展生產資料倉儲的各個元件、功能和資訊技術需求。 本研究針對虛擬晶圓廠生產資料倉儲中最基礎的下層資料存取部分,以Fortran和Pro*Fortran程式做一模擬實作,以適時提供現場的和歷史性的資料。 在本研究提出的生產資料倉儲結構下,此模擬實作具有五項優點:使用資料之便利性、快速回應使用者查詢的能力、製造執行系統和資料庫間的資料一致性、資料庫和生產資料倉儲結合、資料庫與模擬規劃軟體連結。
The application of information technology and the implementation of a new mechanism of manufacturing service are two of the important keys for realizing the concept of virtual fab. This research applies the data warehousing technology for achieving the three functions of a virtual fab: the visibility of orders, the quick response to user requests, and the early warning of production status. A suitable structure of the production data warehouse for achieving the virtual fab concept is also proposed in this research. In order to provide both current and historical data for proper production simulation, some portion of fundamentally underlying data access mechanism is implemented by Fortran and Pro*Fortran. The following advantages can be realized in the proposed structure: the convenience of data availability, the quick response of user requests, the data consistency between MES and the database, the ability to connect production data warehouse with the underlying database, and the ability to link with Pacemaker.
Appears in Collections:Thesis