標題: 中小型都市道路雛形規劃案之分析程序
An Analytical Process for Road Sketch Planning in Small and Medium Size Cities
作者: 李雪敬
Hsueh-Ching Lee
Cheng-Min Feng
關鍵字: 雛形;都市計畫;交通規劃;簡化旅運需求分析模式;sketch;urban planning;transportation planning;simplified travel demand model
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 新訂都市計畫案之路網規劃是一項具有挑戰性的工作,規劃者必須發揮專業能力,在各種可能的環境下,決定路網佈設、道路等級以及設計容量等項目。一般中大型都市計畫案,因為規劃層面較廣且內容較複雜,故會先經過綜合運輸規劃的分析過程,將該地之運輸供需情形詳細分析後,據以研提計畫內容。但對於地方市鎮、鄉街聚落或社區等中小型都市計畫案而言,則因為規劃內容較單純,以繁複的程序進行並不經濟,故需要一套較簡易有效的方法進行這類都市計畫案的道路交通規劃。本研究之目的,即在構建一套適用於中小型都市道路雛形規劃案之分析方法,此分析方法可分為「量的決定」與「質的評估」二程序;組合此二程序,可協助規劃者很快地為草擬的路網雛型決定道路等級與設計容量,並可檢核與修改路網佈設,使其符合道路之間以及道路與土地使用之間的規劃準則。 「量的決定」係以簡化旅運需求分析模式推估目標年道路流量與決定各道路容量需求、道路等級等。經由相關文獻之回顧與分析,本研究選取Low(1972)提出之簡化旅運需求分析模式,模式係以構建迴歸式之方式簡化傳統程序性旅運需求分析模式所需之四階段。本研究以北部區域之都市計畫區為主,嘗試以國內中小型都市計畫區之調查與蒐集資料,構建簡化旅運需求分析模式;以選取之中型中壢平鎮都市計畫區為模式校估都市,分別驗證於中型之新竹都市計畫區與小型之關西都市計畫區,以瞭解構建之簡化模式是否具有移轉至同規模或不同規模都市計畫區之可行性。驗證結果說明中型都市計畫區構建之模式,具有可移轉至同規模都市計畫區之可行性,然不可移轉至不同規模都市計畫區;此結果可作為後續應用此簡化模式之參考與依據。而「質的評估」係以規劃準則依序評估不同層級道路,若不符合,則需修改雛形以符合規劃準則之規範內容,直到所有道路皆符合規劃準則之規範內容。其中作為評估之規劃準則,係依專家訪談與相關文獻回顧所論述道路規劃應符合之空間與層級關係,整理與歸納而得。 最後,藉由應用至某新訂都市計畫案,實際操作與評估此分析程序是否可實際應用於都市計畫之規劃流程中。結果說明使用此分析程序所需之資料易於預測與推估,且亦能簡化資料分析過程,即此分析程序具有一定之可行性。
Road planning for a new planed area is a challenge task. The planners must elaborate his specialty to decide network pattern, road function, and design capacity, etc. Since the planning contents of large size cities are very complex, the comprehensive transportation planning approach is used to analyze the demand and supply of transportation in order to decide the road plan. In small and medium size cities, the planning contents are too simple to use such complex approach, therefore, the planners need a simple and effective method to proceed the road planning. The objective of this research is to construct an analytical process for road sketch planning in small and medium size cities. This approach includes two processes: "quantitative" and "qualitative". It can assist the planners to decide road function, design capacity, and examine network pattern of road sketch planning. The quantitative process can assist planners to predict road capacity and decide road function by simplified travel demand model. Based on Low (1972), a simplified travel demand model is constructed and calibrated by the data collected in Taiwan. The data of three planed areas in Taiwan north region is used in this research. The data of Chung-lik and Ping-chun, a medium size city, is used to calibrate the model. The data of San-chuk, a medium size city, and Gwaan-sai, a small size city is used to examine the transfeasibility of models. From the results, we can demonstrate the model calibrated by medium size city is possible to apply to the same size city, but can not be applied to the different size city. The qualitative process can assist planners to evaluate and modify network pattern by planning criteria. Planning criteria are developed from survey with experts and from literature review. Finally, the approach is applied to a new planned area. From the case study, we can demonstrate that either the input data of model is simple to collect or predict, and the time consuming and man power of the analysis process are economical. So the approach constructed in this study is operational and applicable in urban planning process.
Appears in Collections:Thesis