標題: 我國照明產業之發展與競爭策略研究
A Market Analysis and Competitive Strategies of Taiwan,s Lighting Industry
作者: 郭令溪
Ling-Shi Kuo
Zhao-Yang Tong
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 照明產業;電光源;照明燈具;安定器╱電子安定器;競爭策略;Lighting Industry;Light Sources;Lighting Fixtures;Ballasts/Electronic Ballasts;Competitive Strategy
公開日期: 1998
摘要:   我國照明產業的產品大多屬於成熟期,目前正面臨內、外部環境變遷及競爭激烈的情況,所以應審慎調整經營策略,俾能掌握關鍵成功因素,建構競爭優勢確保生存空間。本研究將針對我國照明業產業環境、結構、關鍵成功因素與競爭策略等方面,進行實地深入訪談及問卷調查。 台灣的照明產業以中小企業廠商為主,因缺乏照明人才、資金與技術而昇級困難,廠商大多把勞力密集及低附加價值的產品移至東南亞地區或大陸生產,此為照明產業萎縮的主因。 國內大型照明業者偏重成本領導、差異化及部份策略自由度等策略,而小型照明廠商則以集中化策略為主,中型照明業則相對處於較不利的地位。 我國照明業需重視產品安全與品質、增加研發以提昇光源科技及產品設計能力,更應發展較具彈性與創造性的企業策略,使台灣成為設計、研發、行銷中心,而大陸成為製造基地。在政府方面,則建議制定實施照明節約能源的政策以開創電子安定器的市場,並建議增設照明科系以便培養照明產業昇級所必須的人才。
  Taiwan,s Lighting Industry has been declining since 1993. The objectives of this thesis are to explore the reasons behind this phenomenon, the threats that this industry is facing, and the new directions that the companies are taking in order to survive. All companies in Taiwan,s Lighting Industry with more than 1 million NT$ capital investment are surveyed. There are 53 effective survey responses which comprise 35% of the 150 sample body. The survey revealed the problems and concerns which yields the latest insights to Taiwan,s Lighting Industry. The statistics of domestic and global market share of lighting product categories was analyzed. Competitive analysis models such as the Competitive Environment analysis, the Porter,s Five Forces analysis, the SWOT analysis, the Key Success Factor analysis, and the Competitive Strategy analysis are performed. The findings are reported in the conclusion.
Appears in Collections:Thesis