標題: 應用賽局理論分析我國薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業之競爭策略
Strategic Analysis of Taiwan's TFT LCD Industry with Game Theoretical Approach
作者: 李秀玉
Hsiu-Yu Lee
Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 賽局理論;薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器;策略管理;組織經營;產業生命週期;產業研究;Game theory;TFT LCD;strategic management;organization operation;Industry life cycle;industry research
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 本策略研究運用環境、組織與競合三大構面分析薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業現況、發展特質與全球產業發展概況;並整合相關策略管理理論與賽局理論,定義賽局理論之構成要素,依此賽局要素探討我國產業發展之優劣勢分析與競爭策略。目前全球薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業為日本與韓國企業所壟斷,因此於本研究中特別針對日本與韓國液晶顯示器產業發展概況加以分析,並探討其液晶顯示器產業之成功要素。 於總體環境分析中,本研究以總體經濟、政治與法律、科技與社會為分析對象,進而分析總體環境影響產業環境與產業內組織之有利與不利因素;於產業環境分析中,本研究以產業變化、產業結構、產品特性與效能、產業網路與主要市場變化五大因素,歸納出液晶顯示器產業之競爭要素與發展特色。 於組織層面方面,本研究將目前國內投入薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業之六家企業,依其產銷模式分為代工模式、被垂直整合模式與回銷模式三種;依企業經營方式分為利基市場企業、強化本業企業與專業顯示器企業三類,並進一步描述企業活動、目標市場與採取策略。 於競合構面方面,本研究採用賽局理論做為分析基礎,並整合產業競爭要素作為競爭情境,利用所尋求之賽局要素進行各種不同情境之策略分析。本研究以(1)LCD依然維持高成長趨勢、LCD監視器之使用率亦逐年提昇,國內面板製造供不應求,尚無法填滿國內面板之內需市場;(2)TFT LCD各種替代製造技術之競爭;(3)產品卡位時機與面板尺寸之選擇;(4)系統廠商將筆記型電腦訂單轉往其他國家,國內內需市場面臨供過於求,尋求其他市場開發;(5)專業代工之趨勢;(6)侵權與傾銷問題不斷浮現等六項情境進行分析探討,並以產業價值之重整、企業效能之提昇與競合關係之運用,建議可採行之競爭策略手段。
This study presents a comprehensive analysis for the emerging TFT-LCD industry in Taiwan. It applies a newly developed model of strategic analysis, which consists of the following three dimensions; industrial environment, organizational competence and co-opetition perspectives. The approach of game theory is used to explore the strategic aspects of industrial cooperation and competition. This study begins with the analysis of macro-environmental factors that directly or indirectly affect the industrial development and corporate management. The aspects of industrial environment include the markets, the structures, the time-based changes, the products, and the networks of players and value activities, of both the global and Taiwan's TFT-LCD industry. The outcomes characterize the issues of competitive advantages and generate the competitive factors for this industry. The organizational analysis succeeds in delineating the development, the capability, and the strategic intents of Taiwan's major players and justifies their positioning in a global view. Three patterns of LCD-panel manufacturers are identified: pure OEM, vertical integration, as well as technology licensing and grant-back of product sales. As for the co-opetition aspects based on the game theoretical approach for Taiwan's enterprises, this study concludes that Japanese firms are preferable over Korean companies in terms of technology transfer and joint ventures with Taiwan's industry. The following development scenarios and strategic contexts are given: (1) the rapidly-emerging market demands of TFT-LCD panels; (2) the competitive substitution of existing STN and monitor products; (3) the time-to-market competition and the selection of panel sizes; (4) Notebook PC manufacturers may shift their orders of TFT-LCD panels that may lead to a overly- supplied domestic product market; (5) the competitive status of OEM with an economy of scale, demand for high quality products, and flexible production; and (6) the rising of patent infringement and anti-dumping issues.
Appears in Collections:Thesis