Title: 我國數位視訊服務拓展方向之研究
The Development Direction of Digital Video Services in Taiwan
Authors: 張慧君
Hui-Chun Chang
Zhao-Yang Tong
Hsiao-Chen Yu
Keywords: 數位視訊服務;數位電視;寬頻網路;網際網路;電信網路;數位有線電視;直播衛星;區域多點分配系統;Digital Video Services;Digital TV;Broadband Network;Internet;Telecommunication Network;Digital Cable TV;Direct Broadcasting Satellite;Local Multipoint Distribution System
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 由於數位影視處理技術與寬頻網路等科技之進步,導致資訊、通訊、娛樂傳播、消費電子等領域的應用整合。隨著數位地面廣播電視陸續開播以及網際網路蓬勃發展,數位化生活型態將逐漸成形。
本論文探討數位視訊服務之架構,包括電信網路、有線電視網路、直播衛星、地面廣播電視、無線微波等寬頻網路基礎建設;其服務應用則分為傳統的電視廣播服務、新興的互動式隨選服務、以及網際網路多媒體資訊擷取服務等。數位視訊服務之推展受政策、網路基礎建設、技術標準、業者經營、消費者接受意願等因素影響。目前用戶端設備價格偏高,數位視訊解碼器(STB)缺乏互通性,有線電視業者是否必須轉播(Must Carry)當地無線地面廣播電視台的數位訊號,以及改善數位地面廣播因地形地物阻擋造成收視不良情形等重大議題尚待解決。
1. 由於語音、資訊與影像應用已不可分,建議政府整合通訊、資訊與傳播之主管機關與法令。
2. 制訂STB共通化法規與中文化標準,達到用戶接取設備成本降低之目的,使能促進數位視訊服務各種加值服務的推展。
3. 由於我國有線電視普及率高達75%,對於DTV在國內拓展具有關鍵之影響力,建議政府立法規定有線電視網路必須轉播數位電視訊號之時程。
4. 為避免DTV廣播鐵塔、發射設備各自投資及維護缺乏規模經濟效益,建議各電視公司投資成立DTV傳播網路公司,專精於廣播系統營運。
5. 數據廣播為數位電視主要新功能之一,數位視訊服務應結合我國PC與IC產業之優勢,以加速我國數位媒體資訊產業之蓬勃發展。
Video processing technology and broadband telecommunications networks have made multimedia content distribution possible. The popularity of Internet throughout the world has made it the emerging main-stream medium threatening the print media, TV and radio. Digital TV terrestrial broadcasting, which integrates traditional TV watching with high speed data downloading capability, will make great impact on consumer's digital life style.
This thesis explored the digital TV delivery architectures, including telecommunications network, cable TV network, satellite broadcasting, terrestrial broadcasting, and microwave distribution systems. The emerging new services could thrive in areas such as TV broadcasting, interactive TV, and Internet information retrieval.
The research has concluded with the following observations:
1. Digital media have already integrated voice (telecommunication), data(information), and video(entertainment). However, our government organizations and regulations are still delineated based on the content of transmission. It is recommended that a unified government office and a unified media legislation will be needed in order to keep up with the fast moving digital media industry.
2. Standardize the digital converter box for terrestrial and cable DTV reception. Possible objects including Chinese character user interface, Pay TV's billing system, simplification in modulation conversion etc.. These efforts will lead to lower costs and faster penetration of DTV to homes.
3. The cable TV subscription rate in Taiwan reaches as high as 75%. It has become the essential means to receive TV signals, especially in areas where terrestrial TV broadcast signal is weak. The "Cable TV Must Carry" issues in Taiwan has to be resolved soon in order for cable TV and terrestrial TV to deliver digital TV signals to consumers.
4. For TV stations the initial DTV investment is quite substantial, while the revenue return from DTV broadcasting may be slow. It is mutually beneficial for all TV stations to cooperate in forming an independent DTV transmission / broadcasting engineering company to manage and maintain the transmitters and antenna towers.
5. Data broadcasting is one of DTV's most powerful new features. Based on the strengthes in PC and IC, Taiwan's IT industry could ride with the rising tide of DTV to flourish.
Appears in Collections:Thesis