標題: 適用於多階無線區域網路之Mobile IP
Design and Implementation of Mobile IP for Multihop Wireless LANs
作者: 吳宗保
Tsung-Pao Wu
Rong-Hong Jan
關鍵字: 特殊無線區域網路;行動式網際網路規約;多階;ad-hoc LAN;Mobile IP;multihop
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 無線網路環境可分為有基礎架構(infrastructure)的無線網路與無基礎架構的特殊網路(ad-hoc network)兩大類。在ad-hoc網路中,行動機(mobile host)通常需藉由其他的行動機才能連接到主幹網路。這種系統我們稱之為多階(multihop)網路系統。本篇論文主要是延伸並修正Mobile IP,使之適用於多階無線區域網路。同時我們亦針對所提的方法,實作一多階無線區域網路雛型系統,使得行動機能夠在不同的網域中漫遊。此外本系統與原先的Mobile IP系統是互通的(transparent),即在單階(single hop)環境下亦能正常運作。
Wireless networks can be divided into infrastructure networks and ad-hoc networks. In an ad-hoc local area network, mobile hosts can access Internet via intermediate mobile hosts. This kind of local area network (LAN) is called as multihop wireless LANs. In this thesis, we extend and modify the Mobile IP protocol to support multihop wireless LANs such that the mobile host can roam among different subnets. In addition, we also implement this new Mobile IP under Window environment. Our proposed system is transparent with the original Mobile IP, i.e., it can also work in the signal hop wireless LAN.