Title: 應用在網際網路上的小額付款協定
Micro-payment Protocols for Electronic Commerce Through Internet
Authors: 李炳昌
Ping-Chang Lee
黃 景 彰
Jing-Jang Hwang
Keywords: 小額付款;電子交易;智慧卡應用;付款協定;電子商務;資訊安全;Micro-payment;Electronic Transaction;Smart card Application;Payment Protocol;Electronic Commerce;Information Security
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 網路小額交易是現今電子商務上頗具潛力的商業活動,目前也有不少針對電子付款所延伸出來的金融商品和支付系統正在進行研究和實作,不過為兼顧便利性和安全性而有實現上的困難。透過智慧卡的能力和特性,配合網路商店與銀行的付款系統設計,可以解決透過網路進行小額付款的問題,並提供具密碼學基礎的安全性,以及小額付款所需的效率。這份論文是以此為目的,針對交易雙方以及現有的付款機制來導出系統的需求,並且以薛夙珍博士提出的小額付款系統為基礎,改進並延伸應用的範圍,結合智慧卡成為一套可以符合需求的付款協定。
On-line payment transactions in the world of electronic commerce are most small amount. Systems for such purpose must be secure and convenient. The goal is hard to achieve, however. Using smart cards as a payment device at the customer side, the author extends Hsueh's micro-payment protocol, which was presented in her doctoral dissertation in 1998. Two major extensions are these: (1) specifying the data structures and programs of the smart card, and (2) introducing a trusted third party as the authority of an off-line non-repudiation service
Appears in Collections:Thesis