標題: 從專業物流公司經營現況分析國內物流產業之發展趨勢
A Study of Development Trends on Logistics Industry through the Past and Current Operation Tracks of Third-Party Logistics Companies in Taiwan
作者: 謝欣穎
Hsin-Ying Hsieh
Anthony F. W. Han
關鍵字: 專業物流公司;核心競爭力;策略聯盟;目標市場;關鍵成功因素;Third-Party Logistics;Core Competency;Alliance Strategy;Targeted Market;Key Successful Factors
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 摘要 以專業物流公司(THIRD-PARTY LOGISTICS,3PL)為合作夥伴在實務界已成為一種趨勢;本研究以專業物流公司之不同「起源、轉型背景」與「市場區隔」為基礎,利用問卷調查與主管訪談之方法,探討各廠商現有經營型態之差異和產業未來發展之趨勢。本研究於民國八十八年四月初至五月中旬間,針對專業物流公司經營現況進行問卷調查,對象為台灣地區70家提供物流服務之廠商,有效回收樣本為17份;此外,本研究亦針對九家廠商主管進行訪談。 首先,根據本研究發現,以不同的起源、轉型背景為分類基礎,在六群的廠商中,以「倉儲保管」與「運輸配送」兩群具備核心物流活動基礎之廠商,較有機會跨足物流領域;另一群新興的專業型物流公司,在不仰賴背景支持下投入物流業,其經營關鍵在於擁有有利的市場定位與良好的經營策略。再者,以不同的市場區隔來分析經營型態之特色,主要的結論如下:(1) 食品市場因效期之壓力,廠商較注重資訊系統規劃與硬體設備投資;(2) 3C市場因存貨價值之波動驟變,著重於快速反應的能力與上、下游關係之整合;(3) 日用品市場因進入障礙低,成功的關鍵在於提供量身訂作服務的能力;(4) 其它特殊市場則必須掌握資訊系統的開發。 因此,未來物流業在經營上宜重視降低投資、整合外部資源、穩定上下游合作關係、強化資訊系統與培育專業人才等重要關鍵因素。此外,在未來目標市場的設定應朝向高科技產業與能創造高附加價值的新興市場;在業務型態上應以能提供全球性整合供應鏈為主。
Under the pressure of “core competency”, similar or different enterprises pay attention to alliance strategy. Almost every industry needs logistic activities to support whether inbound or outbound actions. For the hugh market, many companies of related indutries adjusted themselves to logistics organization styles. Meanwhile, many unexperienced companies joined the competitive logistics industry. This study analyzed the operation style of companies in logistics industry, and projected the development trends of logistics industry. By means of questionnaire survey of the third-party logistics companies and focus-group interview to the senior administrators, the research found that the different backgrounds of companies bring distinct advantages of competition. Warehouse-based companies and transportation-based companies have more opportunity to provide logistic services. The result also shows that when the logistics company shifts its targeted market will influence its operation styles. In logistics environments, the key successful factors consists of lower investment, integrate outside resources, stable inter-firm cooperative relationship, information system and human resources. High value-added market and global supply chain service are the development trends of logistics industry.