Title: 微機電開關在微波應用之設計與製造
Design and fabrication of MEMS switches for microwave applications
Authors: 黃俊源
Chuen-Uan Huang
黃 遠 東
周 復 芳
Yang-Tung Huang
Christina F. Jou
Keywords: 微機電開關;薄膜式開關;MEMS switches
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本論文探討微機電開關在微波應用之設計與製造。論文中,設計了一套新的製程以製造此MEMS開關,此製程之特點為較以往之製程簡單,並克服了在蝕刻犧牲層(Sacrificial Layer)時,由於毛細現象(Capillarity)產生吸附效應(Stiction Effect)所造成結構的崩潰;並且,此套製程使整個結構都可由鋁所構成(All-Aluminum Structure),對於所設計的製程亦以IntelliCAD做製程及機械特性之模擬。 另外,又提出為薄膜式(電容式)開關提供一新的獨立偏壓方式,使其可在微波電路上更方便使用。尤其在相移器的應用上,此種獨立偏壓的方式使得此設計成為可能並具有實用性。
In this study, design and fabrication of MEMS switches for microwave applications are investigated. A new process was designed to fabricated these MEMS switches. This process improves the stiction effect due to the capillary phenomenon which leads to the crack of the structure during the sacrificial layer etching. The whole structure was constructed with Al, and the process was simulated with IntelliCAD. In this thesis, a new method for offering independent DC bias for the capacitive switch was proposed, which can be used practically in microwave circuits, such as phase shifters.
Appears in Collections:Thesis