标题: | 以近十年配电领域研发案检讨台电研发管理课题 Investigating the R&D Management Issues in Taipower Based Upon the Study of Power Distribution Research Projects Conducted in 1989 to 1998 |
作者: | 廖清荣 Ching-Jung Liao 谢长宏 Charng-Horng Hsieh 经营管理研究所 |
关键字: | 研究发展;电力品质;配电电脑及自动化;负载管理;R&D;Power Quality;Distribution Computerization & Automation;Load Management |
公开日期: | 1998 |
摘要: | 电力产业技术的研究发展,可以促进技术创新活动,提升技术水准,进而提高生产效率,促进经济发展,因此先进国家莫不将研究发展列为国家重要政策之一。在电业环境面临自由化与台电即将民营化的变迁下,为促使研究资源之有效利用,实有必要对于台电研发管理课题进行探讨,本研究以台电近十年来配电技术相关之研发案(总计187个研发案)为素材,就这些研发案所显示的研发管理课题进行探究,藉此找出台电于研发管理上之问题,进而针对问题提出有效之建议,做为台电改善研发管理制度之参考。 本研究首先针对配电技术的构成提出说明,以配电技术所涉及的技术领域为分类,将配电技术分为:电力品质、配电电脑及自动化、负载管理、保护设备、运转与维护等五大类,做为配电研发案之分类基础。以此基础将本研究所探讨之187个配电研发案进行归类,并对配电研发案以研究的题目、目标的达成、研究的人员及成果的应用等项目为标准进行整理,进一步做为本研究台电研发管理课题探究之依据。接着从研发组织与制度、研发计画及研发研究人员等三个层面出发,以前述归类之配电研发案为实证,探究台电的研发管理课题。并以经营管理者层面针对所发现之研发管理课题,从研发所涉及的因素面、程序面与整体发展面等三面向进行汇整与总体性分析。 本研究发现台电研发管理存在各自为政、技术资讯与设备因素的扩散与取得不易、人力资源的运用缺乏弹性、研发成果的处理应用未落实等共通问题,至于个别技术领域研发计画目标与发展趋势,则随不同技术领域而有所差异。本研究建议藉由提升研发人员协调、沟通等管理技能,研发人员之激励与轮调,落实计画可行性分析,订定具体资源释出处置规定与绩效评估指标,厘清组织定位,成立研发工作小组与提升研发部门之参谋功能,期使研发成果能落实并发挥最大效益,符合顾客及市场导向,因应电业自由化所带来之电业环境。 R&D of electric power industry is the motive power of technology creation, production efficiency improvement, and economic development, therefore, most of the leading countries in the world make it an important national policy. Recently, global electric power industry is undergoing far-reaching and fundamental changes. Similarly, the electricity supply business in Taiwan also moves toward competition under government's deregulation and liberation policy. Under such circumstances, it become more important for Taipower to explore its R&D management issues in order to optimize and economize its research resource. With Taipower's distribution projects in the recent ten years (totaling 187 projects) as raw materials, the objective of this study is to explore Taipower's R&D management issues and to provide recommendations and solutions to these problems. Firstly, the historical data of 187 distribution projects were collected and classified into five categories:power quality, distribution computerization & automation, load management, protection equipment, as well as operation & maintenance. Secondly, the projects were further formulated by subject, the fulfillment of object, researchers, and application of the outcome. Next, an inquiry into Taipower's R&D management problems was discussed from organization, project, and researchers level. Finally, the macrocosmic analysis was progressed from three dimensions, namely, factor, process, and global development. The findings showed that Taipower's R&D management had some common problems, including the cooperation of interdepartmental projects, the diffusion of technology information and the acquirement of equipment, the employ of human resource, the process and application of R&D outcome. While the goal of R&D project and development tendency are dependent on individual technology field. According to this study, there are some suggestions for Taipower's R&D management in order to reflect the current customer-driven and market-driven competitive environment. These suggestions include 1. To elevate the cooperation and communication management skills of the researchers, 2. To provide motivation and incentives for the researcher, 3. To implement the practicability analysis of R&D project, 4. To verify the specific regulation of resource release process and the performance evaluating indicators of R&D project, 5. To confirm the position and role of the R&D organization, 6. To establish a working team of R&D project and finally, to elevate the staff function of R&D department. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64604 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |