Title: 組織氣候、個人屬性與工作滿足關聯性之研究--以公路局局本部為例
A Study Of The Relationalships Among Organization,Personal Attribute And Job Satisfaction(Example Of Taiwan Highway Bureau)
Authors: 鄭兆麟
Chaw-Lin Cheng
楊 千
Quang-Hua Chen
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 組織氣候;個人屬性;工作滿足;Organization;Personal Attribute;Job Satisfaction
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract:   適當的組織氣候,係由領導階層,運用管理藝術,讓每個人感覺自己在組織中很重要,而組織氣候對工作績效具有關聯性的影響,組織氣候之良窳,關係組織之存續與發展,而公路局於精省重新定位後,應重新檢視組織氣候以提昇工作績效,藉此瞭解公路局局本部內員工組織氣候知覺現況,瞭解不同個人屬性、不同組織構面知覺感受及工作滿足的差異情形並瞭解公路局局本部內員工工作滿足的現況。
1. 公路局局本部工作滿足以同事滿足最高,薪資滿足最低與組織氣候知覺各構面中以人情感受力最高,獎酬面最低,相互呼應。
2. 員工個人屬性對工作滿足有不同之影響,其中以性別與年齡對工作滿足構面有顯著差異。
An appropriate organizational climate lies in the leadership how exert managerial arts to make individual feel important in the organization. Organizational climate plays a vital role in efficiency. The quality of organizational climate affects its sustainment and development, and after a redefinition of streamlining province, Taiwan Highway Bureau Should rethink the organizational cimate to promote the work's efficiency. The purpose of the study is the perception of organizational climate ,the disparity of individual attributes, the perception of different organization levels, the different fulfillment of work and the work's satisfication of the employees in Taiwan Highway Bureau.
This research uses public polls and a lot of statistics to analyze the organizational climate,the analysis of fulfillment of work, the influence of individual attributes in different constitutional aspects and the influence of the feeling of the organizational climate in the different levels of satification of work.
Two results of the reseach were reached as follows:
1. The highest degree of work's satistication is the colleague relations and the lowest is the salary. This outcome is corresponded to the highest humane perception and the lowest awardness in the organizational climate.
2. The disparities of employee's attributes have different influences on the satistication of work,especially the sex and age.
The outcomes of research will provide a valuable reference for the mangerial rank of Taiwan Highway Bureau.
Appears in Collections:Thesis