標題: 網際網路標題廣告效果研究 : 廣告大小與資訊量之影響
A Study of Web Banner Advertising Effectiveness :The Effect on Ad Size and Information load
作者: 周惠珍
Huey-Jen Chou
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 網際網路;標題廣告;廣告大小;資訊量;網路行銷;廣告效果;Internet;Web Banner Advertising;Ad Size;Information Load;Internet Marketing;Advertising Effectiveness
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 網際網路以狂飆之姿顛覆這個世紀,WWW的商業應用帶來無限商機,也造就許多管理變革,產官學各界紛紛欲探究其誘人的秘辛。本研究欲從消費面出發,瞭解消費者對網路廣告資訊接收處理的型態與偏好,為網路行銷業者提供制訂網路廣告策略的良善建議。
1. 廣告大小的標題廣告效果顯著;會影響消費者的廣告態度、品牌態度、購買及點選意願。並且大廣告效果均 顯著優於小廣告,與傳統媒體結論一致。
2. 以動畫切換方式操弄的資訊量廣告效果,對消費者的品牌態度有顯著差異,且少量資訊(二至三個切換廣告) 顯著高於六個切換廣告的品牌態度效果。
3. 廣告大小與資訊量的搭配效果對消費者的廣告態度有影響。對大廣告適量的增加資訊量,能使廣告更醒目, 引起消費者的注意;但過量的資訊,則易引起反效果,可能與訊息負荷量有關,值得後續研究者探索。
4. 認知需求型態、產品涉入程度對消費者的廣告態度、品牌態度、點選及購買意願有直接影響;但兩者與廣告 大小、資訊量的交互作用效果均不顯著,顯示中介影響不大。
5. 整體而言,廣告大小與資訊量的廣告態度、品牌態度、購買及點選意願效果不錯,而廣告回憶率效果最差。
The Main objective of this research is to investigate the web banner ad effect that consist of the "attitude toward advertising", "attitude toward brand", "recalls of advertising", "click and buying intention" under different variables : "ad size (big/small)", "information load (six levels) ", "need for cognition (high/low)", "product involvement (high/low)". The study utilized a 2’6 factorial experimental design. "Personal Computer" is selected as an experimental product on a pretest in producing the target product. We made proper questionnaire to investigat the students in the Chiao Tung University, and collected 240 valid samples. Analyzing the data by MONOVA statistic method, the major findings are:
1. Big banner ad effect is significant higher than small one on attitude toward advertising, recall of advertising information, and click & buying intention.
2. Information load on banner ad effect has significant difference on attitude toward advertising. And the effect of 2-3 level banner ad's information load is significant higher than that of 6 level.
3. There is significant interaction effect between ad size and information load toward brand attitude.
4. Need for cognitive and product involvement have significant difference on attitude toward ad, brand attitude, click & buying intention. But the interaction effects within them are not significant. It tells us that the variables only have little mediated effect.
5.As a whole, the banner effect on attitude toward advertising and brand, click & buying intention is better than that on recalls of advertising information.
Keywords : Internet, WWW, banner ad, Advertising effect on the Internet, Ad Size, Information Load, Internet Marketing