標題: 我國低放射性廢料處置政策適應與社會議題關係之研究
A Study of Relation between Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Policy Adaptation and Social Issues in Taiwan
作者: 林 誠
Chen Lin
Pao-Long Chang
關鍵字: 歷史研究途徑;低放射性廢料處置;社會議題;政策論證;終極處理;場址選擇;政策適應;境外處置;historical approach;low-level radioactive waste disposa;social issue;policy argument;final treatment;siting selection;policy adaptation;extraterritorial disposal
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 摘要 低放射性廢料處置在社會議題與政策調節之間的關係,歷史研究途徑是一個相當有用的分析概念,可以結合社會議題發展的脈絡與低放射性廢料處置政策合成為研究論點,再論證其適應機制。本文的目的,主要在探討低放射性廢料政策過去到現在的執行情形,就已執行過的政策誌事與社會議題的闡述作為資料進行分析,屬於宏觀的時間回溯分析。 本文根據低放射性廢料處置政策衍導過程,配合台灣社會變遷不同階段中的政經特質,分成三個階段:第一階段為原子能科技發展階段的低放射性廢料開創政策(1955~1970),第二階段為核能運用階段的低放射性廢料處理政策(1971~1990),第三階段為社會環境發展階段的低放射性廢料處置政策(1991~1999)等。探究我國低放射性廢料處置政策與社會議題關係,以利於政策適應機制之推論。 本文的內容主要分成三個部分,第一個部分探討過去低放射性廢料處置政策執行,從事觀察、合成和解釋的功能;第二個部分則運用政策論證模式提出處置政策與社會議題間的關聯性,並把合成結果界定成為論點型式。第三個部分從整合的論點,探討低放射性廢料處置政策的適應機制。 從論點可以綜結低放射性廢料處置政策顯然無法有效因應社會衝突,於是,社會議題發展為訴求的主題,形成可以制衡政策的因素。所以,如果政府對民間社會的壓制與控制力量鬆弛,則政策必然反應來自社會的反饋活動。因此,本文以社會議題與政策之互動觀點為主軸,從結構、制度和歷史角度著手;檢測低放射性廢料處置政策適應功能的機制。藉以提出社會議題預防措施為中心的協調性功能,展開政策主體機構內部間之場域雛型,構成處置活動與社會議題互動之管理措施與施政方針。冀望對台灣低放射性廢料處置政策可以提供更深一層的省思,以反應社會議題,可以妥善覓得場址,做好安全處置。
ABSTRACT The relations identify and evaluate arguments affecting the adaptation between low-level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal policy versus social issues in Taiwan. The qualitative historical analysis is both challenging and useful. After completing the examination of relevant studies, historical works and papers, arguments were distilled from this information. The argument is one identified as directly impacting or defining the nature relationship between the disposal policy versus social issues. Identification and synthesis of arguments from exploratory study may hold the key to recommendations leading to the establishment of an optimal policy adaptation. Retrospective data were also collected through an historical review of primary and secondary source. From Dunn's Argument Model of policy evaluation, this study seeks to discover whether or not an optimal adaptation mechanism relationship between the social issues and disposal policy is possible. The arguments emanated from the review of scholarly studies, precedent of policy, and historical relationships. According the development of LLW disposal policy and sociopolitical, economic changes in Taiwan. The chronological stage of Taiwan's LLW disposal policy is divided into three stages: (1) stage I (1955~1970), radwaste advocacy policy in atomic technological development period; (2) stage II (1971~1990), radwaste final treatment policy in nuclear application period; and (3) stage III (1991~Present 1999), radwaste disposal policy in socio-environmental development period. The disposal policy and social issue for each or both were explored respectively, and support the inference of policy adaptation mechanism. The contents of this study were to (1) investigated, synthesize and interpret the literature review and historical examination between disposal policy and social issues; (2) identify arguments affecting this relationship between disposal policy and social issues; and (3) present recommendations from Dunn's Argument model regarding the establishment of an optimal adaptation mechanism between the disposal policy and social issues. In conclusion, the author tries to identify what the arguments are influencing the conflicting relationship between the disposal policy and social issues, and then use the knowledge of such arguments to establish an optimal relationship between the two divergent and often antagonistic parties. Fifteen arguments were identified that affect the relationship between the disposal policy and social issues establishment. The broad conclusion reached is that, historically, no significant solutions have been found for the conflict between the social issues and disposal policy and that the relationship constantly changes according to the individual circumstances of the conflict and current sociopolitical environments. Consequently, the study establishes an "adaptation mechanism" permitting both to meet the majority of their objectives and responsibilities.