標題: 潤滑劑對固體/粉體複合擠製之影響
The Influence of Lubricants on the Extrusion Ceramic Powder
作者: 謝昇宏
Sheng-Horng Shieh
Ray-Quen Hsu
關鍵字: 潤滑劑;粉末;擠製;流動性;陶瓷;漏斗實驗;lubricants;powder;extrusion;flowability;ceramic;funnel experiment
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 在固體/粉體複合包芯材擠製中,如何使粉末具有良好的流動性一直是影響擠製成品品質的重要因素。擠製過程中粉體流動性的良好與否,不僅會影響到粉體的密度分佈,更會影響到成形後胚體的強度。
The aim of this research is to study the possibility of increasing the flowability of ceramic powder under extrusion . The flowability of powder during the extrusion process will not only affect the distribution of powder density after extrusion , but also the strength of product .
In the experiment , we chose several different lubricants , mix these lubricant with the powder , then conduct a simple funnel experiment . The volume percent of the lubricant is taked as a parameter in the experiment . From funnel experiment results we select those combination of mixture conditions that have a faster dropping speed and then conduct the extrusion process . It is found that the lubricant can affect the flowability of the powder during extrusion , however , the quantity of the lubricant presented in the powder mixture is also critical to the extrusion process .