標題: 現今台灣RC佛教建築基本殿堂量體之調查分析
Analysis on RC Main Hall Masses of Current Buddhist Architecture in Taiwan
作者: 黃森
Shen Hwang
Shih-Lin Hung
關鍵字: 無;none
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 現今台灣RC佛教建築基本殿堂量體之調查分析 研究生:黃 森 指導教授:洪士林 博士 國立交通大學工學院碩士在職專班工程技術與管理學程 中文摘要 觀察佛教建築的外觀,包含許多殿堂的組合,每座殿堂亦有相同或不同之斜屋頂與之搭配,形成莊嚴的建築群體,而殿堂量體間之搭配是否有其比例或規則性?亦或是遵循某些傳統習俗而呈現出如此風貌,是否佛教建築具備某些基本特性?相同殿堂或與其搭配量體之間是否存在某些比例關係,是為本文所欲探討之課題。 本研究主要在探討佛教建築群中具備之基本殿堂,亦即每個建築群皆具有之主殿與配殿,經由調查、統計、分析及比較方式,找出殿堂本身與配殿間之關係,包含量體本身的高度、寬度、深度是否具備某種比例?與配殿間之比例、配置方式,遵循法則,進而發現佛教建築之基本特性。與一般建築互相比較下,佛教建築有其特殊性,亦有其共通性,共通性如:結構幾乎一樣的基礎模式,標準層部份,從外觀所見平頂式部份,與一般建築相同之建材;而異於一般建築部份多了以琉璃瓦覆蓋的斜屋頂,外部裝飾性佛教元素(斗拱、柱珠、浮雕、法輪、蓮花…等等)。 經比較分析後之結果,發現佛教建築中佛像所居住之主殿與人所居住之配殿,量體分別在配置、面積、斜屋頂樣式與斜率、寬度、深度各方面存在高度比例關係,此比例關係亦需遵循傳統習俗對於佛像殿堂之尊重,而將主殿各部份比例稍加提高,針對本研究比較分析結果所提之建議比例數值,目的在主殿與配殿量體各方面以協調性作搭配,非一昧提高主殿各方面比例而忽略建築群搭配之整體性。
Analysis on RC Main Hall Masses of Current Buddhist Architecture in Taiwan Student:Shen Huang Advisor:Shih-Lin Hung, Dr. Master Degree Program of Engineering Technology and Management College of Engineering National Chiao Tung University Abstract Compared with the general architectures, Buddhist architecture is unique in some way and has something in common, which includes, for example, basic model with almost the same structure, standard level, flat-roofed part of the exterior look and the building materials shared with general architectures. It differs from general architectures in that it has sloped roof covered with glazed tiles, exterior ornamental Buddhist elements. In a Buddhist building, it includes many combinations of halls. Halls own the same or different sloped roofs to go along with it to form a majestic architecture complex. Are there any proportions or rules in the combination of hall masses? Or the look is just formed by following some traditional custom? Does Buddhist architecture have some elementary characteristics? Whether there are any proportional relations between the halls and the masses that go along with them is the topic for this thesis. This research studied the halls in Buddhist architectural complex as an essential element, that is, the main hall and secondly halls found in every architectural complex. The approach of survey, statistics and analytic comparison were employed to find the relation between the hall itself and the secondly halls, including whether there is a kind of proportion between the height, width and depth of the mass itself, and the proportion between, and the layout method and rules of, the hall and secondly halls, further to find out the basic characteristics of Buddhist buildings. The analytic results reveals that there are strong relationships between the masses of main halls in which the statues of Buddha are housed and secondly halls in which men live in terms of layout, areas, patterns and slopes of the roofs, width and depth. Such relationships slightly raise the proportions of various parts of the main halls to show the respect to hall with statue of Buddha, observing the traditional custom as well. From the results of comparisons and analysis, this research proposed values for proportion; the purpose of which was to suggest a combination with coordination in respect of masses of main halls and side halls, and others, rather than simply raising the proportions of various parts of the main halls while ignoring the integrity of combination of the complex of architectures.


  1. 052001.pdf

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