Title: 聚醚醇之熔融聚合
Melt Polymerization of Poly hydroxy ether
Authors: 陳俊仁
Jean-Ren Chen
Feng-Chih Chang
Keywords: 聚醚醇;分支狀;動力學分析;流動性質;透氣性;熱膨脹性;poly hydroxy ether;branching type;dynamical analysis;fluid property;permeability;thermal expansion properties
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本研究中已成功合成出新型分支狀聚醚醇,以BPA、BPZ這兩類雙酚類化合物與環氧樹脂(D.E.R. 332)進行開環聚合,並藉由三官能基酚類化合物(TPA)的加入,產生分支狀結構,得到高分支狀之熱可塑性聚醚醇。藉由ASTM E698動力學分析可以得到最適化的反應條件參數,分支點的導入可以得到截然不同的流動行為,輕微的分支結構能有效改善其流動性質,隨著分支點漸漸的增多,分支結構更趨於複雜化,而此高度的物理性交聯大大降低了流動性。BPZ單體的引入,雖然使得聚醚醇流動性變差,但卻能有效改善其氣體障蔽能力,而分支狀結構不利於氣體障蔽能力。BPZ系統聚醚醇的熱膨脹性會較BPA系統聚醚醇為低。分支結構對於熱膨脹性質的影響,與聚醚醇流動行為有著類似的趨勢。根據薄膜拉伸機械性質分析,BPA系統聚醚醇與BPZ系統聚醚醇其延展性皆不甚高,而BPZ系統聚醚醇會有較高之拉伸模數。
In the study, poly hydroxy ether has been prepared by reacting a dihydric phenol (BPA, BPZ) with a diepoxide (D.E.R. 332) in the presence of Ethyl triphenylphosphonium bromide (ETPB) catalyst. The reaction between the dihydric phenol and the diepoxide is conducted in bulk system. By adding tri-functional phenol (TPA), highly branching poly hydroxy ether has been prepared by the new process. The optimal synthesis parameter can be calculated by dynamical analysis. Slightly branching mechanism improved fluid property, but highly branching mechanism decreased fluid property. BPZ-type poly hydroxy ethers have lower oxygen permeability than BPA-type poly hydroxy ethers. The linear thermal expansion properties of poly hydroxy ethers have the same trend with fluid properties. All of these poly hydroxy ethers have low elongation. BPZ-type poly hydroxy ethers have higher tensile modulus.
Appears in Collections:Thesis