Title: 國小兒童使用電腦和傳統媒材繪畫表現的比較研究_以線性透視的描繪為例
The comparison between children using computers and conventional media in the pictorial representation : based on a linear perspective drawing
Authors: 謝秀珮
Hsiu-Pei Hsieh
Keywords: 兒童繪畫;電腦媒材;線性透視
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 在電腦媒材介入藝術創作之後,許多研究者開始探討新的媒材對藝術的衝擊,這方面包括哲學性的論述,也包括實證性的研究,但是大部分的研究較集中在成人的藝術表現﹐顯少有電腦對兒童繪畫影響的研究。本研究接續Piaget的兒童空間認知研究,以及Willats的兒童繪畫透視感研究,探討兒童在使用傳統媒材和電腦媒材繪圖時,其透視感的表現是否會隨著媒材的不同而有所改變?以及粗略討論兒童在使用電腦為工具進行線性透視的描繪時,和使用傳統工具時認知上的異同點。本研究透過實驗法來比較驗證此一假設,研究的步驟分成兩部份,第一部份包含兩個實驗,分別是使用傳統媒材繪圖和電腦媒材做靜物的線畫寫生;第二部份是回溯式口語分析研究。
Since the integration of the computer into the artistic creation,a number of researchers have started the studies on the impacts of media to artistic activities.The studies include philosophical discussions and experimental investigations.However,most research studies have focoused on the artistic performance of adults.Few have addressed the influences of computers to childen related art creation,for instance , children's drawing. This thesis work investigated whether the chidlren□ pictorial representation would be different when different media,such as using papers and pencils as oppose to using computers,are introduced. This study also compared and contrasted the congnitive impacts on linear perspective representation of a child with the use of two different media,conventional and computerized.Experiments were conducted in this research. The first portion of the experiments was to analyze the still life paintings performed by children using traditional and computerized media.The second portion of the experiments was a retrospective protocal analysis.
It was found that there exist significant differences in painting performance,specifically in solid object description and pattern creation,between those children who use conventional media and those who use computer media. Further analyses based on the painting works and protocal data of the children indicate that the use of different media results in different art styles. When drawing using a computer,a child tends to be more precise and logical,and would plot more geometrical patterns. In terms of painting behavior model and congntion,a child would have different models with the use of computers instead of pencils in the procedures of arranging the depth relationship among two or more objects. Also,the frequency of moving the drawing view port would increase notably. This research attempts to promote the understanding on children's behavior and consenquent differences when the children use computers for drawing,and thus help corresponding art intructors in selecting appropriate and effective teaching methods.
Appears in Collections:Thesis