標題: 都會區交通空氣污染監測站站網規劃
Mobile Source Air Pollution Monitoring Network Planning for an Urban Area
作者: 黃耀輝
Yao-Hui Huang
Jehng-Jung Kao
關鍵字: 交通類空氣污染監測站網;移動性污染源;交通量特性調查;Mobile Source Air Pollution Monitoring Network;Mobile Source
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 由於台灣地區都市快速發展,各種機動車輛急劇增加,產生的交通類空氣污染物已成為都會區空氣品質不良的主要來源。因而有必要設置適當地交通類空氣污染監測站網,以供了解都會區空氣品質受交通類空氣污染物影響的時空變化及作為評估適當管制對策的重要依據。然而交通類空氣污染監測站與一般類型測站之監測目的與站網規劃方式不盡相同,且目前亦沒有適當的規劃方法可供使用,本研究因而建立一個交通類空氣污染監測站網規劃程序,首先探討及定義適當的交通類空氣污染監測站之監測目的,以及在考量移動性污染源之污染排放量、道路長度、道路面積、人口數目等各種交通類空氣污染特性下建立一個一般性的基準供決定不同行政區之測站數目,並進而依據不同監測目的探討所需之測站數目及測站項目,然後針對都會區中主次要幹道、交叉路口等具備交通量特性調查資料之地點,配合該地區移動性污染源之污染排放推估量、道路流量、交叉路口等級、人口分布等資料進行交通類空氣污染監測站網之分析及優選程序。本研究以台中及高雄為案例,探討所建立之交通類空氣污染監測站網規劃程序之可行性及適用性。
With the rapid economical development in Taiwan, the number of mobile vehicles in metropolitan areas is significantly increasing. The pollutants generated from these mobile sources have caused serious air pollution in urban areas. Establishment of appropriate monitoring network is therefore necessary for evaluating the temporal and spatial variation of mobile source air pollution and assessing the effectiveness of pollution control programs and facilities. The design for a mobile source air pollution monitoring network is different from that for a general ambient monitoring network. Currently, no proper method is readily available for planning a mobile source air pollution monitoring network. This study was thus initiated to explore and develop an appropriate procedure for planning such a monitoring network. The monitoring objectives were first discussed and defined before implementing the procedure. A resource allocation index for determining the number of mobile source monitoring stations allocated to a city was proposed based on the evaluation of various related factors, including emission, road length, road area, population, etc. Mobile source monitoring network planning was implemented according to various data such as the road and intersection types, emission, traffic volume, and population distribution. Two real cases for Taichung and Kaohsiung cities were demonstrated. The applicability of the proposed procedure was also discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis