Title: 台灣白光LED在手機產業的競爭優勢探討
A Study on the Competitive Advantages of Taiwan's White LED in Mobile Phone Industries
Authors: 岳瀛玉
Ying Yu, Yueh
Dr. Jen-Hung, Huang
Keywords: 競爭優勢;鑽石模型;白光LED;Competitive Advantage;Diomand Model;White LED
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 白光LED作為背光源,具有省電、體積小等優點,目前已廣泛使用於手機、PDA、數位相機、數位攝錄影機等小型液晶顯示器中,其中以手機用背光源所佔的比重最高。隨著彩色手機及照相手機的風行,白光LED需求亦隨之擴大。 本研究在探討競爭優勢的觀念,從競爭優勢的意義、競爭優勢的形成條件,到評估競爭優勢與鞏固競爭優勢的方法,做一觀念上釐清,以便對LED產業競爭優勢的分析有深入的認知,並找出適用於LED產業競爭優勢分析的架構,作為政府擬定產業政策及業者擬定企業策略的參考。 研究首先說明研究背景,在確認研究問題與目的之後,著手蒐集相關產業資訊,並界定研究範圍;根據文獻探討擬定研究架構作為LED產業分析基本架構。競爭優勢分析之理論基礎主要係根據國家競爭優勢鑽石模型概念分析我國LED產業有無競爭優勢形成的條件之後,再採五力分析架構,了解我國LED產業面臨的環境,最後,針對我國LED產業的未來發展提出策略建議。  本研究分析台灣白光LED在手機產業的競爭優勢,所得結論如下: 1. 台灣白光LED產業受利於手機彩色化將大幅成長 2. 台灣白光LED產業的優勢主要為產業分佈完整 3. 產官學研間研發聯盟,賦予我國產業發展新的契機 4. 白光LED關鍵專利掌握在國外大廠,我國廠商須在產品技術上更加努力
White LEDs with smaller, longer-lasting and more energy-efficient light advantage for backlight already applied to small LCD of Mobile phone, PDA, Digital Camera and Digital Camcorder. With the popularity of Color LCD mobile phone and camera phone, White LED demands are blooming. Based on case study and expert interviews, this research paper applies Professor Michael E. Porter’s “Diamond Model”, “Five Forces Model Analysis”, SWOT” Analysis to analyze the competitive advantage of Taiwan’s White LED industry. Finally, it identifies the key success factors of Taiwan’s White LED industry, and according to these factors, provides suggestions for business, the government and prospective research fellows for future direction. This thesis used to analyze the competitive advantage of Taiwan’s White LED in mobile phone industry. Some of the key findings are summarized as follows: 1. Because the color Display of Mobile phone is growing, there’s a significant increase of White LED in Taiwan. 2. The manufacturing efficiency and complete industry distribution are the key competitive advantage of Taiwan’s white LED industry. 3. The partnership of industry, government, school, research center can give our White LED industry the new opportunity. 4. The key patents of white LED are controlled by foreign leading name-brand LED manufacturer. Taiwan’s LED industry should pay more attention to the research and development of White LED for competing with these foreign leading name-brand LED manufacturers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis