標題: 我國發光二極體上游廠商的經營策略與競爭優勢之研究 – 以A公司為例
A Strategies and Competitive Advantages Study for Taiwan’s LED Firms–The Case Study for A Company
作者: 唐淑芬
Lee, Ching-Yuan
關鍵字: 經營策略;競爭優勢;發光二極體;五力分析;Strategies;Competitive Advantages;LED;Five Force Analysis
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode,LED)在國內發展已有三十多年的歷史了,早期生產廠商以中游晶粒製造及下游封裝為主,由於上游磊晶的技術門檻高,於1996年以前,國內中下游廠商所需之關鍵上游磊晶片仍有高達95%以上仰賴進口。有鑑於此,政府積極推動上游技術的研發,期掌握上游材料關鍵技術,建立完整的產業結構。經過各界長期的投入,陸續開發出上游關鍵的磊晶技術,促使上游產業蓬勃發展,大幅提昇上游磊晶片的自製率,上、中、下游產業結構趨於完整成熟,使得我國LED總產值在1998年首度超越美國,成為全世界第二大LED生產國。 目前我國LED產業結構完整,整體競爭力持續擴大,未來在全世界LED產業上,將扮演舉足輕重的角色。但由國內於1998年投入中、上游的公司暴增,市場競爭異常激烈,產業進入全面盤整局面,本研究即欲藉由LED產業的分析及個案廠商的競爭優勢及策略發展演進之解析,探討廠商如何在產業強力競爭之環境下,建立競爭優勢,規劃因應環境的策略方向,順應環境演變快速調整策略,以屹立於競爭激流中而不動搖。 經由本研究之探討,歸納結論如下: 1.印證產業五力分析架構確實存在無法充分掌握超級競爭產業快速變化的限制。 2.歸納分析個案廠商之長期競爭優勢、策略演進軌跡及長期風險,作為廠商優勢建立及策略制訂之參考。 3.提供建議給廠商作為建立競爭優勢及擬定策略方向的參考,以提高產業競爭優勢,維繫整體產業競爭力。
Light Emitting Diode (LED) has been developed for over 30 years in local industries. In the early stage, the industry was focused either on chip fabrication or on package. Before 1996, above 95% of epiwafers, the key LED up-stream materials, still need to be imported due to the high entry barrier in epitaxy market. To obtain the core material technologies and build up the complete industry infrastructure accordingly, the Government and domestic industries devoted great efforts in epitaxy techniques in order to boom up LED industries. In 1998, the total production value of Taiwan LED has fore reached USA and we became the second largest LED manufacturer in the world. With the strong LED infrastructures and worldwide competitions nowadays, LED industries in Taiwan confronted internal fierce rivalry and will enter into re-constructing inevitably. Based on case studies from LED industries and domestic firms, our research will analyses how companies survive successfully with their unique core competence in the fast-moving and competitive global market. The research consequence are concluded as following : 1.Approved the constraint of the Five Force Analysis Model, which could not catch up the hyper competitive industries. 2.Generalized the long-term competitive advantages, strategic progress and risk evaluation from the case studies as the further reference. 3.Offered opinions for domestic firms to enhance global competitive industrial advantages.