標題: 網路化雙重情境學習模式對國小學生的真菌概念改變之研究
The Impacts of Web-based Dual Situated Learning Model on Elementary Students' “Fungi” Conceptual Change Process
作者: 易國榮
Kuo-Jung Yi
Hsiao-Ching She
關鍵字: 網路學習;真菌;雙重情境學習;黴菌;web-based learning;fungi;Dual Situated Learning;mold
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究的目的是針對國小五年級學生在真菌中的黴菌另有概念,進行準實驗設計的『網路化雙重情境學習模式』概念改變教學研究。 研究的方法是先分析黴菌概念的屬性、找出學生對黴菌的另有概念並依此分析出學生對於建構完整的黴菌概念所缺少的心智結構,再設計出『網路化雙重情境∼黴菌教學網站』,然後運用此『網路化雙重情境∼黴菌教學網站』進行為期一個月的概念改變教學。研究資料蒐集包括自然與生活科技學業成績、自然與生活科技學習動機問卷、黴菌單元成就測驗、概念改變歷程測驗及網路學習環境問卷等。 研究結果發現自然與生活科技學業成就的背景因素對黴菌單元學習成就具有高度正向的影響力,而採用網路化雙重情境學習模式將會比傳統教學模式更有助於提升學生對黴菌另有概念改變的學習成效且可以獲得更好的學習保留效果。尤其在不同教學模式與學業成就兩變項的交互作用影響分析中發現,高、低學業成就對照組(傳統教學)的學習成就平均數差距比高、低學業成就實驗組(網路化雙重情境學習)的差距來得大,且低學業成就實驗組比低學業成就對照組所進步的幅度大,顯示低學業成就的學生可因採用此網路化雙重情境學習模式而有更顯著的進步。 根據概念改變歷程測驗結果,顯示經過網路化雙重情境學習模式後擁有科學概念的學生比例均有增加的趨勢,相對的擁有另有概念的比例則有下降的趨勢,並且有80%∼90%的學生能成功將新概念運用於新的情境問題中,顯示網路化雙重情境學習模式確實有助於學生在黴菌另有概念改變的學習。 而高內在目標導向價值學習動機的學生比低內在目標導向價值學習動機的學生,在黴菌單元成就後測上有較高的學習成效,但是其他向度的學習動機對於學習成就並沒有顯著的影響。另外,學生對於黴菌概念學習網的網路學習環境給予高度正向的評價,而學生對網路學習環境中『知識重整』向度的評價與其學習成就表現呈現出正向的預測力。
The purpose of this study aims to examine the nature and effects of elementary students’ conceptual change on fungi (specifically focus on molds) through the use of web-based Dual Situated Learning Model (DSLM). The steps of development of fungi related web-based DSLM science learning is to (1). examine the attributes of fungi, (2). probe students’ misconception of fungi, (3). analyze which mental sets of fungi students’ lack, (4). design web-based dual situated learning events, and (5). instruct with web-based dual situated learning events for a month. Data collection includes students’ academic scores of science, the questionnaire of students’ learning interest, the achievement test of fungi (pre, post and retention), the process of conceptual change, and the questionnaire of web-learning environment. Results show that experimental group’s (web-based DSLM science learning) performed statistic significant better on both post-test and retention-test than control group (traditional teaching), regardless high or low achieving students. In addition, high achieving students performed statistic significant better on both post-test and retention-test than low achieving students, regardless experimental or control groups. It indicated that the use of web-based DSLM science learning program would bring students better performance and retention effect than traditional instruction. Particularly, results also indicated that the use of web-based DSLM science learning program would significant promoting low achieving students’ learning effects than traditional instruction. Based upon the process of conceptual changes, it indicated that the use of web-based DSLM science learning bring about 80%-90% students finally getting more scientific view of fungi on most part except the concepts of growing environment of fungi. Interestingly, only intrinsic goal oriented and high value component two motivation scales had influence on student’s post-test performance. Students also perceive high and positive toward our web-based DSLM science learning environment. It also shows that student’s perception of the scale of reorganization on web-learning environment had positive correlation with students’ post-test.


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