標題: 在合作式資訊融入主題統整課程中改善集體效能之行動研究
Using Information Technology in Collaborative Thematic Integrated Curriculum to Improve Collective Efficacy-An Action Research
作者: 陳金鈴
Chin-Lin Chen
Chuen-Tsai Sun
關鍵字: 集體效能;主題式統整課程;資訊融入教學;collective efficacy;collaborative thematic integrated curriculum;integrating information technology
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 研究者基於行動研究的精神與架構,以學生現有資訊環境為基礎,希望透過資訊融入主題統整課程的任務型態,藉由不同自我效能分組觀察小組合作歷程,探討集體效能、學習成效及合作成效的變化,以提出有效的分組策略,改進教室內合作效能不彰的問題。 採用質性研究法,運用主題式統整課程,結合語文、社會及藝術與人文領域,以小組合作設計戲劇為主題。為激發學生創造力,從主題的探索至成果的展現,在研究各階段實施網路及非網路同儕評量。過程中,研究者不斷蒐集合作歷程的觀察紀錄、問卷、訪談等相關資料,運用三角交叉法檢測,將資料加以敘述、分析、探討,進一步發展新的合作行動研究策略。 研究結果顯示,透過主題統整教學設計,學生學會了建構自己合作問題的解決策略,並且發展出以討論和投票等民主的方式,解決組內意見分歧的狀況。藉由多階段的合作學習,可以發現學生的集體效能普遍提升,集體效能與合作滿意度呈正相關,在偏低組中,二次任務後內容完整度大幅提昇。本研究建議要提升集體效能,須達到合作學習中每一組員的貢獻度都大,則作品表現佳,令小組的合作滿意度高,增加組內的合作信心,最後集體效能自然提升。
According to the spirit and structure of an action research, this study used information technology in thematic integrated curriculum to improve a learning team’s collective efficacy. The main purpose of this study was to address the collaborative learning problem by grouping students based on self-efficacy. During this process, we analyzed data about the team’s interaction, collective efficacy, collaborative and learning effects, to provide an effective strategy in collaborative learning. This qualitative research combined three learning disciplines, language, society, and art, into a thematic integrated curriculum. To stimulate the student’s creativity, we used both the web-based and traditional peer evaluation from the beginning of exploring the design theme to the end of the task. During the whole research, we taped the collaborative interaction, interviewed the students, and kept teachers’ observation records. Using triangulation method we analyzed all kinds of data, and developed a new strategy of action research. Through this thematic integrated curriculum, students learned how to construct their own problem solving strategies, such as discussing and voting. With multiple stages of collaborative learning, most of the team’s collective efficacy has improved and their collective efficacy has a positive effect on their satisfaction of collaborative learning. One suggestion to improve the team’s collective efficacy is that the team members should dedicate to their own group. If they do so, there will be a good product and the team’s satisfaction will improve, finally result in higher collective efficacy.