标题: 在合作式资讯融入主题统整课程中改善集体效能之行动研究
Using Information Technology in Collaborative Thematic Integrated Curriculum to Improve Collective Efficacy-An Action Research
作者: 陈金铃
Chin-Lin Chen
Chuen-Tsai Sun
关键字: 集体效能;主题式统整课程;资讯融入教学;collective efficacy;collaborative thematic integrated curriculum;integrating information technology
公开日期: 2003
摘要: 研究者基于行动研究的精神与架构,以学生现有资讯环境为基础,希望透过资讯融入主题统整课程的任务型态,藉由不同自我效能分组观察小组合作历程,探讨集体效能、学习成效及合作成效的变化,以提出有效的分组策略,改进教室内合作效能不彰的问题。
According to the spirit and structure of an action research, this study used information technology in thematic integrated curriculum to improve a learning team’s collective efficacy. The main purpose of this study was to address the collaborative learning problem by grouping students based on self-efficacy. During this process, we analyzed data about the team’s interaction, collective efficacy, collaborative and learning effects, to provide an effective strategy in collaborative learning.
This qualitative research combined three learning disciplines, language, society, and art, into a thematic integrated curriculum. To stimulate the student’s creativity, we used both the web-based and traditional peer evaluation from the beginning of exploring the design theme to the end of the task. During the whole research, we taped the collaborative interaction, interviewed the students, and kept teachers’ observation records. Using triangulation method we analyzed all kinds of data, and developed a new strategy of action research.
Through this thematic integrated curriculum, students learned how to construct their own problem solving strategies, such as discussing and voting. With multiple stages of collaborative learning, most of the team’s collective efficacy has improved and their collective efficacy has a positive effect on their satisfaction of collaborative learning. One suggestion to improve the team’s collective efficacy is that the team members should dedicate to their own group. If they do so, there will be a good product and the team’s satisfaction will improve, finally result in higher collective efficacy.