標題: 海運大眾運輸營運與服務績效評估-模糊多準則評估之應用
Application of Multi-criteria Evaluation Method for Evaluation of Marine Mass Transportation Operation and Service Performance
作者: 李淑惠
Shu-Hui Lee
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
關鍵字: 海運大眾運輸;績效評估;模糊層級分析法;Marine Mass Tranportation;performance evaluation;Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 縱觀國內外關於大眾運輸之研究報告較少著墨於海運大眾運輸營運與服務績效評估,然而海運之特性亦不同於其它運具,若要衡量海運大眾運輸之績效,自有必要建立其獨特之績效評估準則。本文之目即是依海運運輸之特性建立合理的營運與服務績效評估準則、求得適當之權重、並運用在實例上以探討業者之績效。
Take an overview of literatures relating to mass transportation both at home and abroad, they placed less emphasis on performance evaluation of marine mass transport. However, the nature of marine transport is different from that of other transport modes. If evaluation of the performance of marine mass transport is desired, certainly a unique criteria for performance evaluation should be established. The purpose of this text is to establish a reasonable criteria for the evaluation of the performance of operation and service subject to the nature of marine transport, to obtain appropriate weight and apply them to the real example for studying the performance of operators.
The indices for the evaluation of operation and service as listed in this text are chiefly referred to “Regulations Governing The Discrimination of Operation of Mass Transport (Draft)” and are obtained by means of recommendations by related researches and brainstorming method. According to the characteristics of indices, performance evaluation for the operation and service of marine mass transport operators may be divided into two aspects, say government monitoring side (safety of operation) and passengers’ usage side (passenger service). In order to structure the indices and items, get rid of linguistic vague in questionnaire survey linguistic and information uncertainty, the research is to obtain the weight of evaluation indices by means of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process method, transform the linguistic expressions into fuzzy number by Chen & Hwang (1992) five linguistic scale ; performance value of composite indices of simple weight method, ordering by Kim-Park method, and finally equalize by max-min close of degree method.
The research takes six operations in Tung-Liu Line as example, evaluating the performance of their operation and service. The result of research has discovered performance is equal among the operators with respect to government monitoring indices. Generally speaking, Hsin-Tai Ship displays the best performance and Tourism- Ship the worst. According to performance evaluation of operation and service, the six operators obtain grade B, i.e. the performance of their operation and service is fine.
In the research, as government monitoring indices can not display good and bad degree of operators so it is proposed to judge their performance subject to the extent of their effort in the indices on the aspects concerned; in this text the conversion of qualitative indices and performance grade linguistic is not studied. In fact, investigation of linguistic scale conversion value for such problem should be conducted. The research in the future may be developed toward the two aspects to make the evaluation of performance relating to the operation and service of marine mass transport more accurate.