Title: 大陸因應WTO的電信改革與影響
The Preparation Actions and Potential Impacts on China for Entering WTO
Authors: 張芳菱
Fang-Ling Chang
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 大陸;電信;自由化;世界貿易組織;China;telecom;liberalization;WTO
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 近年來,中國大陸電信業務發展快速,電信普及率、電信建設、以及各類通訊產品需求都大幅成長。 為了準備加入WTO,大陸通訊產業早在六、七年前就已開始改革的步伐。大陸有關單位早在六、七年前就已經體認到電信業發展到一定規模後,壟斷經營會限制其發展。因此,1993年開放九項通訊業務,1994年成立中國聯通,1999年組建中國網通,並希望藉由中國電信的切分,培養電信市場公平競爭的環境。目的就是要在面對加入WTO市場開放後,面臨更大的競爭前,內部先做好準備的工作。 左右大陸WTO入會的關鍵因素中,最敏感的議題即是電信資訊市場開放幅度的爭議。基礎電訊業方面,外資可以入股但不能控股,加值電訊業則完全開放;開放的時程則是在二、三年間漸進式的開放。加入WTO將有助於大陸持續推進經濟改革,經由競爭使電信市場服務多元化、價格降低、品質提昇。
In recent years, China’s telecom networks have developed quickly. The penetration rate of both wired and mobile telephone increased to 10% and 3.5% respectively. China has started preparing for joining the WTO ever since 1993. First, nine telecom services were opened for competition; China Unicom was established in 1994; China Netcom Corp was established in 1999; The monopolistic carrier China Telecom was broken up into four independent companies. The purpose was to prepare China’s telecom market for competition. The key issues in China’s negotiation with WTO member countries include the timetable and extent of her telecom market opening for foreign investment. With respect to the basic telecom services, foreign ownership can reach up to 49%; for enhanced telecom services, there is no limitation. Joining the WTO is expected to accelerate China’s economic modernization. Through competition with worldwide competitors, China’s telecom service and equipment will see improvements in quality and variety, as well as decreases in prices.
Appears in Collections:Thesis