DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorJung-Chang Liangen_US
dc.contributor.authorTien-Chun Changen_US
dc.description.abstract九年一貫數學教科書的內容圖文並茂。90學年度起,國中基本學力測驗數學試題包含圖形的比例較舊式聯考提升很多,再加上網路時代以多媒體呈現教材的趨勢,圖像呈現對學習者的影響便成了近年來教育研究的焦點。 本研究主要目的是探討圖像提示對國中一年級學生理解數學圖像測驗的成效,藉以瞭解影響國中一年級學生理解數學測驗圖像的相關因素。 研究方法採前後測設計。編製視覺提示比較測驗1及測驗2,測驗1為前測卷,測驗2為後測卷。兩測驗的內容相同,差別是測驗2增加圖像提示的呈現,而圖像提示是由基本圖像點、線、面和箭頭所組成。挑選受試者在同一時段先進行前測卷,再進行後測卷,測試完畢後再進行比較分析。 研究主要的自變項為圖像提示,依變項為測驗成績,針對桃園縣平鎮市國中一年級學生共253人施測。 研究結果發現: (1)圖像提示對國中一年級學生對於數學圖像的理解有幫助;基本圖像點、線、面和箭頭提示對學生在數學圖像的理解有幫助。 (2)基本圖像提示在引起國中一年級學生的基本視知覺反應上有幫助。 (3)國中一年級學生理解數學圖像方面,仍有很大的訓練空間,增加受試者對圖像的熟悉度,可以提升學生對數學圖像的理解能力。 (4)國中一年級學生對數學圖像的熟悉度會影響對數學圖像的理解。 (5)看出圖像提示的國中一年級學生對數學圖像的理解優於未看出圖像提示的學生;國中一年級學生是否注意到提示的存在,圖像提示仍會對數學圖像的理解有影響。 (6)不同性別國中一年級學生對數學視覺圖像的理解並無明顯的差異。 研究最後並針對視覺圖像、視知覺、教育訓練、未來研究方向提出建議,供研究及教學參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe contents of mathematics textbook for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum in Taiwan are vividly and full of pictures. From 2001 the items of the Basic Competence Math Test for Junior High School Students contains more pictures than ever. The effects of graphics presentation on learner` recognition has become a research focus of educational research during recent years. The main purpose of this study was to explore the effects of eikon-hints on understanding the mathematics eikons of the junior high school’s course for the seventh grade student. The samples are selected from 253 students of the seventh grade from two junior high schools of Taoyan County of Pingzhen City.. The research method I adopt is using the measurement before and after at the same time. The research tools are the vision-eikon-compare test 1 and test 2. The two tests have the same contents, but test 2 add the eikon-hints. The major findings are listed below: (1) The eikon hint is favorable for the seventh grade student’s cognition of eikon ; The basic eikon hint is favorable for the seventh grade student’s cognition of eikon; The basic eikon hint is favorable to product the reaction of basic visual perception. (2) The students who are familiar with the mathematic eikons have good ideal for the mathematic eikons. (3)There is still has much room to train the seventh grade student to distinguish mathematics eikons. (4) Familiarity about the vision-eikons can increase the ability to understand the different of mathematics eikons. (5) The vision-eikons are more important to the student if they are aware of the vision-eikons exist. (6) The genders are not the crucial factors for the cognition of the mathematics eikon. According to the conclusion of this study we know that the students who understand the eikons are closely related with the appearance of eikons. Aiming at the pictures, consciousness, training, further research objects, the tools of study and the topics of study to put the forward suggestion providing the research reference.en_US
dc.subjecteikon hintsen_US
dc.subjectvisual perceptionen_US
dc.subjectmathematics eikonen_US
dc.titleThe Effects of Eikon Hints on Diagnosising of the Mathematics Eikons in the Junior High School’s Course for the Seventh Grade Studenten_US


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