Title: 使用非常態state space model估計OD pattern
Estimation of OD pattern by Non-Gaussian State Space Model with Unknown Transition Matrix
Authors: 葉志偉
Chih-Wei Yeh
周 幼 珍
Yow-Jen Jou
Keywords: 時間序列;state space model;Gibbs sampler;Kalman filter;OD patter
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 在這篇論文中,我們提供一些方法去估計OD pattern。我們使用時間序列中的State Space model,並且考慮Non-Gaussian State Space model去估計參數。這些方法主要建立在Gibbs Sampler 和 Kalman Filter,最後將此方法應用於大眾捷運系統。
In this thesis we provide methods for estimating origin-destination demand pattern in the time domain. For doing this we use the state space model, and consider the non-Gaussian state space model to estimate parameters. These techniques rely on Gibbs sampler and Kalman filter. And we apply it to the rapid transit system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis