DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorKao Hsiu- Chuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorHu Jin-Lien_US
dc.description.abstract在1997年亞洲金融風暴之後,台灣銀行業逐漸轉向消費金融發展,信用卡市場蓬勃發展,發卡銀行家數倍增,行銷活動更是頻繁,除爭取聯名卡、行銷委外及贈品拉攏外,目前更有業者以代償作為搶占信用卡市場的手段,惟其背後隱藏著呆帳的風險。在各發卡銀行的激烈競爭下,無疑增加銀行的發卡成本及風險。 本研究係以聯合信用卡處理中心之會員銀行及四家主要外商銀行為研究對象。資料時間係以八十七年底迄九十二年七月底之財政部金融局之金融統計輯要及聯合信用卡處理中心提供予會員銀行之資料為主。依據訪談個案銀行信用卡部門及蒐集公開訊息之資料,以歸納分析法,釐清個案銀行之競爭策略。再佐以縱橫面(Panel Data )迴歸模型釐清信用卡市占率、簽帳金額市占率與銀行規模、投入資源之相關性,以進一步了解信用卡市場。 本研究在迴歸模型方面的主要發現為,銀行總資產對信用卡流通卡數市占率的影響顯著為負,金融卡數對信用卡流通卡數市占率的影響顯著為正,員工人數對信用卡流通卡數市占率的影響顯著為正,廣告費對信用卡流通卡數市占率的影響顯著為正,信用卡流通卡數市占率對簽帳金額市占率的影響顯著為正,每股盈餘對簽帳金額市占率的影響顯著為正。 在歸納分析個案銀行競爭策略的主要發現為,策略聯盟及集團資源的綜效是提升信用卡市占率的捷徑。經營信用卡市場必須靠經濟規模,其基礎建設及軟體服務必須相輔相成;再者,不論是提高客戶的忠誠度、進行交叉行銷及提供客戶即時便利的服務,都需仰賴資訊系統的支援,因此除了人員投入外,資訊設備的大量投入也是關鍵因素。發卡銀行應極力提高競爭對手的進入障礙,增加消費者的退出障礙,以構築本身的競爭優勢。唯有明確定位、差異化策略及創新服務,才能突顯發卡銀行的價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe banking industry in Taiwan has shifted its focus to consumption business after the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. The ensuing results are rising market of credit cards, multiple growing of credit card issuer, frequent marketing program. Joint promotion cards, outsourcing marketing, benefit attraction, and competitions for consumers are the often-seen strategies. This industry cannot ignore the associated risk of bad debt. It is doubtless that drastic competition of credit card market causes the increasing of costs and risks of the industry. The objects of this research are the members of NCCC (National Credit Card Center of R.O.C.) and four major foreign banks. The period of the data is from end of 1998 to July of 2003, which comes from the statistics of Bureau of Monetary Affairs, Ministry of Finance and NCCC. According to case interview of credit card departments of banks and collection of public information, we clarify the strategy of each bank. The main findings of our regression analysis are as follows: The effect of bank total property on circulating card is significantly negative. The effect of ATM cards on credit card circulation is significantly positive. The effect from employee’s number on card circulation is significantly positive. The effect from advertising expense on card circulation is significantly positive. The effect from card circulation on debt amount is significantly positive. The effect from earnings per share on debt amount is significantly positive. The main findings from our case studies are as below: The shortcut to promote the credit card market share is strategic alliance and group resource. Economic scale supports the conducting the credit card market. The development of customer loyalty, cross sales, and instant customer convenient services depend crucially on the information system. In addition to investing manpower, the great deal of devotion on information equipment is also a key factor. Only through explicit market differentiation, different strategy and creative service can bring out the value of card issuers.en_US
dc.subjectcompetitive strategyen_US
dc.subjectmarket share of credit carden_US
dc.subjectbusiness sizeen_US
dc.subjectpanel dataen_US
dc.titleThe Market Share and Competitive Strategy of Credit Card Business in Taiwan's Banking Industryen_US