标题: 中国山水画的山石纹理合成
The Synthesis of Rock Textures in Chinese Landscape Painting
作者: 徐志伟
Chih-Wei Hsu
Dr. Zen-Chung Shih
关键字: 山石纹理;披麻皴;绘画区域;绘画网格;结点;互斥区域;接触区域;Rock Textures;Hemp-Fiber Strokes;Painting Area;Painting Mesh;Knot;Exclusive Region;Contact Region
公开日期: 1999
摘要: 在中国山水画中,山石的纹理表现了一座山的气势,同时决定山水画的主要风格,因此山水画中的众多技法,便随着变化多端的山石而产生。人们往往根据经验,决定作画时需要用到哪些技法来产生所需要的风格。一旦在作画过程中发生错误,便要重新再画一次,直到满意为止。在本篇论文中,我们提出一个合成水墨画中山石纹理的方法。透过作画者约略决定山岩的外观参数,我们的系统便能自动产生出作画者所希望的各种山石纹理。如此作画者只要传达作画的视觉概念,不一定需要熟悉水墨画的技法,也能创作出山水画中令人赞叹的山岩风格。在短时间内,作画者也可以尝试各种不同的绘画风格来表现画作。
In Chinese Landscape Painting, textures of rocks present the orientation of mountains and build atmosphere of paintings. Lots of skills of landscape painting are concomitant according to varied rocks. By experience, people decide which skill to be used to generate the style they expect. Once some mistake was made, painting process must repeat and repeat until it is desired. In this thesis, we propose a method to synthesize rock textures in Chinese Landscape Painting. Our system generates styles of rocks automatically according to parameters specified by painters. People can create good-looking painting styles easily just on the strength of vision concept but not the skills painting skill. Moreover, painters may try varied styles in short time to get various effects of paintings.