標題: 高速公路重大事故之發生與時辰相關性之研究
The Relationship Between Car Accidents and Hourly Interval of A Day On Freeway
作者: 楊雅惠
Ya-Hui Yang
Shang-Hsing Hsieh
關鍵字: 易肇事的時段;生理現象;意識程度;肇事的機率;嚴重程度;circadian rhythm;biological clocks;dangerous time periods;car accidents
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 中山高速公路自民國67年通車以來,造就了台灣經濟的繁榮發展。伴隨著台灣經濟的成長各類車輛越來越多,高速公路是南北流通的重要孔道,交通量逐年增加,因此也越來越多的肇事事件發生在高速公路上。並且由於高速公路的車行速度較快,因此肇事事件發生在高速公路上之嚴重性也較一般公路為高。事故發生不只造成個人生命財產之嚴重損失,也往往導致交通的擁擠,增加許多社會本。在國人生命價值與時間價值不斷提高之今日,如何減少高速公路之事故發生實乃一重要之交通課題。 以往的研究多著力在人、車、環境等三大影響因素的探討,應用在高速公路上的研究主要探討肇事模式的分析以及危險路段的鑑定與判別。但上述三項因素在一天的運行中,各時段會有相當大的變化甚至相互關聯。根據研究顯示約有70%~80%交通事故,屬於駕駛者本身的行為因素,而行為因素中除了操作不當與酒醉駕駛外,生理現象如精神不佳或注意力不能集中等,亦為容易肇事的潛在因素。例如:凌晨時段在醫學研究發現屬於人體體溫最低溫時段,是意識程度較不清的時段,因此也常是駕駛者精神不佳,注意力無法集中,易肇事的時段。再者,一日當中黎明與黃昏時段,視線將亮未亮以及將暗未暗等等現象,這些都是對駕駛者在駕駛行進當中的一種干擾因子。 本研究以中山高速公路為研究範圍,蒐集歷年中山高速公路肇事資料來作統計分析,依時段來分析肇事特性。將一日24小時分為若干時段,找出易肇事的危險時段,其因子的影響以及嚴重程度。並參考國內相關文獻,針對台灣地區各時段人、車、環境的條件變化以及影響肇事的機率與嚴重程度,進行探討,找出原因及其相關性提供主管單位與駕駛朋友參考,期能提高行車的安全性。
Became circadian rhythm affects our emotional status, when we drive cars we need to note the driving time, according to medical science study: close to daybreak our body-temperature fall at lowest level in a day, thus most drivers' mental conditions are not in good status when driving in daybreak time. At night, our biological clocks work to change our body temperatures, heart rates, hormones -which might make us more slowly. In the morning, an upswing in circadian rhythm creates a second wind that makes us feel more awake and energetic, even if our brains aren't up to speed. In our country, severe car accidents usually occur in nighttime. Otherwise, daybreak and nightfall are either dangerous time periods. We use threshold limit value to definite the dangerous hourly interval. Then we discuss the dangerous hourly characteristics and phenomenon. Finally, we survey some data to show- the relationship between car accidents and hourly interval of a day on freeway. This study is to explore the effects of a day 24 hourly circadian rhythm for the car accidents. The first we let 24 hour to cut apart into 12 intervals, begin with 23clock to 01clock, end up with 21 clock to 23 clock. Second we survey the accident data on the Freeway to analysis the hourly interval of a day, to find the dangerous hourly intervals. The results indicate that the dangerous hourly intervals occur more in depth of night and daybreak, usually in the interval of 01 clock to 07 clock. It suggests that people driving in these time intervals need to be more carefully.