Title: 台灣軟體業之生產力與效率
Productivity and Efficiency of Software Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 黃彥超
Yen-Chang Huang
Dr. Jin-Li Hu
Keywords: 資訊服務;資料包絡分析法;Malmquist生產力指數;Information Service;Data Envelopment Analysis;Malmquist index
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 軟體業在台灣的發展已有二十幾年的歷史,但從產值來看,幾乎同時出發的軟硬體產業,在發展成果上硬體業在產值上領先軟體業一大段。91年我國資訊軟體業市場交易值已達到新台幣1,429億元,但佔國內生產毛額(Gross Domestic Profit; GDP)比例僅1.5%。
本論文使用資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis;DEA)於民國87年到91年的台灣軟體業的生產力與效率實證分析,以年度為單位,利用DEA進行台灣已上市(櫃)軟體公司生產力與效率的分析比較。
分析模型為運用DEA-Malmquist 分析,以員工人數及資產總額為投入變數,並以營業額為產出變數之多投入單產出分析。
Software industry has been developing in Taiwan for more than twenty years. Although software and hardware industry were initialized almost at the same time, hardware industry is far ahead of software industry with respect to output volume. In 2002, the value of software production was up to 1,429 hundred million NT dollars which is equal to 1.5% Gross Domestic Profit (GDP).
In this paper the productivity and efficiency in Taiwan’s software industry is analyzed, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used as a tool to analyze the productivity and efficiency of software industry in Taiwan,These software companies are either lised or in OTC market.
We construct a panel data set of software industry in Taiwan during the period from 1998 to 2002. The total amount of asset value and the number of the employees are chosen as two inputs. The sales volume is the single output. The DEA-Malmquist model is used to compute the efficiency and productivity of these software companies.
In 2002, among the 27 companies there are 2 in the constant returns to scale, 23 in the increasing returns to scale and 2 in the decreasing returns to scale. Many software companies are at increasing returns to scale stage. This means these software companies in Taiwan needs to expand production scale in order to improve their scale efficiency.
Appears in Collections:Thesis