標題: 微波MEMS開關之製造與量測 (使用TRL校正技術)
The Fabrication and Measurement (TRL De-embedding Method)of Microwave MEMS Switch
作者: 郭聯耀
Lien-Yao Kuo
Christina F. Jou
關鍵字: 校正技術;微機電;微波開關;MEMS;TRL;Microwave MEMS Switch
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 本論文將應用近年來獲得重大突破的Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (簡稱MEMS) 技術在矽基板上製作低損耗 (Insertion Loss) 高頻通訊用之Ku Band微波開關。此MEMS技術所製作之微波開關係利用靜電力 (Electrostatic Force)制動金屬薄板,使微波電路形成接通或開路兩種狀態。此開關可以用來製作低損耗移相器,移相器電路藉由調制微波傳輸路徑以控制微波相位,多組微波開關在移相器中可以利用串聯或並聯的方式連接,藉由設計可程式化高頻偏壓電路來控制微波信號之傳輸路徑,以達成相位改變之目的。 另外,發展MEMS switch微波量測系統也將是本論文的重點。在量測microstrip架構開關時由於高頻的on wafer probe 為CPW的架構,所以要量測此開關的高頻傳輸特性,必須經由一個Microstrip to CPW的電路轉換才能夠量測,由於市售的轉換器花費過高,所以本論文也將自行開發良好的高頻轉換器,再搭配上TRL (穿透、線段、反射) 的量測技術,將此運用在此MEMS Switch的量測上,使得想用微波探針量測此一開關的混成電路,由不可能或花費過高變成一件容易的事。
This project is to develop a new prototype of Ku-band microwave switch with low insertion loss, using the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology which have promoted exciting advancements in the field of microwave switching recently. This switch can use for microwave phase shifter. The phase shifter can be used to control the phase of RF signal through switching of different transmission paths. RF MEMS switches will be used to replace traditional p-i-n diode or FET devices in phase shifter circuit in this study. It can be actuated to ON or OFF state through electrostatic force, and the RF signal path will be connected or disconnected. The measurement of μ-strip MEMS switch in microwave and optimization of high frequency interconnects on silicon substrates are our emphasis. We developed several μ-strip prototypes MEMS switch, and had met difficulties when measuring frequency responses of these microstrip line MEMS switch. One of the difficulties is because on wafer probe measurement is in CPW structure, Therefore, when we measured the microstrip line MEMS switch, we need to developed a CPW to μ-strip adapter. The commercial CPW toμ-strip adapter is quite expensive (about 800,000 NT). Therefore, in this report first developed a high frequency adapter by myself, and followed by the TRL (Through, Line, Reflection) measurement technique to make measurement exact.