Title: 台灣電力市場解制後電力交易制度之探討
A Study on the Electricity Transaction Institution in Taiwan - after Deregulation of the Taiwan Electricity Market
Authors: 蔡文達
Wen-Dar Tsai
Tseng-Chuan Tseng
Keywords: 解制;自由化;電力池;電力代輸;電力交易制度;電力市場;deregulation;liberalization;power pool;power wheeling;the electricity transaction institution;elertric market
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 全球自由經濟的浪潮及政府的開放政策,重大地影響著國內電力事業的結構。電力事業已漸漸從計劃型的管制型態轉變成自由型的解制型態,國內電業除受到國際電業自由化的影響外,亦面臨電業法的修改而影響往後數十年電力市場結構。 本文旨在探討電業自由化後,台灣電力事業究採用集中式或分散式電力交易制度。以目前世界最新電業改革英國為例,並輔以美國與日本電業現況,說明其電力交易制度,針對電業的經營環境與企業功能作分析比較,其中包括電業經營環境三構面(政策、電力系統、經濟)共八觀點(電業經營型態、能源多元化、現有民營電廠購售電合約;政策面,備用容量率高低、電源分佈與輸電瓶頸;電力系統面,暴利稅之設計、終端用戶電價管制、區域電價;經濟面)著手,而企業功能則從五個構面(供電穩定度、交易的公平性、組織結構的彈性、電價波動程度、資訊公開程度)切入。 經分析探討後,得到以下結果:一、台灣電業自由化後,仍建議採行集中式電力交易制度。二、台灣電力市場自由化時機應循序漸進,絕非一蹴可幾。三、因台灣電業本身條件限制,自由化的腳步應朝向在現有電業結構下,慢慢的加以擴充。四、電業法修正草案須重新送審,應把握此次機會,將綜合電業的集中式電力交易制度納入新電業法中。
The tide of the global liberalization economics and Taiwan Government open policy have impacted Taiwan electric market structure. The electric markets have changed to the liberal deregulation type from the past planned regulation type. Taiwan electric market has impacted by the international electric market liberalization, in addition, it faces the edition of the Electricity Act and the electric market structure after decades. The study primarily researches the electricity transaction institute after the electric market deregulation in Taiwan. The way of the study is that described UK、US and Japan electric market liberalization and its electricity transaction institute(power pool), then, doing an analysis between the business environment and business functions of the electric market. This starts from three dimensions including eight points of business environment and five dimensions of business function. There are four conclusions after researching the study, as following:1. Taiwan electric market should implement the central transaction of electric market after electric utility liberalization. 2. The sequence of Taiwan electric market liberalization should be step by step. 3. Because of the self condition constraints, Taiwan electric market should generally enlarge under the existing structure. 4. We should hold the chance of the re-edition of the Electricity Act, adding the central transaction institution of the combined electric utility to the new Electricity Act.
Appears in Collections:Thesis