Title: 資訊系統委外環境與類型之探討
Information Systems Outsourcing: Its Context and Types
Authors: 黃仁伯
Jen-Bor Huang
Chang Yang
Keywords: 資訊系統委外;環境;交易成本理論;資源基礎理論;資源依賴理論;權變理論;Information Systems Outsourcing;Context;Transaction Cost Theory;Resource-based Theory;Resource-dependence Theory;Contingency Theory
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 自80年代末期大量興起資訊系統委外的活動以來,至今熱潮未減,且有日益興盛之趨勢。雖然學術上對這個主題已有充分的探討,然而各篇論著皆僅就部份主題加以討論或提出解決方法,一般從業者很難一窺全貌。此外各篇論著所探討的時空不同,又常常有不同的結論。為了讓企業組織能夠正確的進行委外作業,有必要探討組織在進行委外作業時需要面對的委外環境,並對委外環境的各項主題做一全盤的解析,使得組織在考慮資訊系統委外活動時,能夠清楚其所要面對的環境及其意義。又不同組織採行委外作業時,各有不同的意圖,因而其所面對的環境內容也會有不同的程度。本研究根據委外的意圖區分不同的委外類型,並分別探討各類型所面對的環境的內容,使得組織從業者能正確而有效的運用委外的活動。
Since the late of 1980, the activities of information systems outsourcing have been booming. Until now, we do not see any decline but more increasing. Even though the theme has been explored exhaustedly by academy, but any one of the papers that had published just focused on part of the theme to discuss or to offer the solution to solve one or two of problems. Meanwhile, the suggestions that have been studied in different time and location were not the same. The practitioners can not see the whole picture of the IS outsourcing from those papers. For the sake of outsourcing the activities correctly for firms, it is necessary to explore and to analyze the context of IS outsourcing, then firms that are considering adopting outsourcing activities can understand the context and its meaning. Though different firms with different intent when adept the activities, the context is different. This paper distinguished three types of outsourcing by the intent and analyzes the context with different type, then the firms can manipulate outsourcing efficiently and effectively.
Appears in Collections:Thesis