Title: 郵政支局經營效率評估之研究──以資料包絡分析法運用於基隆特等郵局所轄支局為例
A Study of Evaluating the Operation Efficiency of Postal Branch Offices: Exemplified by Using DEA on the Branch Offices under Keelung Post Office
Authors: 王以仁
Yi-Zen Wang
陳 照 明
Jaw-Ming Chen
Keywords: 資料包絡分析法;經營效率;郵政支局;基隆;DEA;operation efficiency;postal branch office;Keelung
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 郵政支局經營效率評估之研究 ──以資料包絡分析法運用於基隆特等郵局所轄支局為例 研究生:王 以 仁 指導教授:陳 照 明 國立交通大學經營管理研究所 摘 要 本研究為瞭解郵政事業最基層營業單位──郵政支局之經營效率及其資源運用狀況,乃應用資料包絡分析法(DEA),以基隆特等郵局所轄36所郵政支局為實徵對象,進行經營效率之評估,期能提供有用之管理資訊予管理階層。 本研究所得主要結論如下: 一、 在36所受評估郵政郵局中,有11所支局為相對有效率郵局,25所支局為相對無效率郵局。郵政支局無效率的原因來自技術無效率和規模無效率兩方面,而非僅因技術或規模單方面的無效率所造成。 二、 在25所相對無效率郵局中,有23所支局係屬規模報酬遞增,比例高達92%。此一研究發現與一般認為欲提高郵政支局經營效率,應盡量裁減支局工作人手的觀念有所不同,值得管理階層深入探究此一現象的意涵。 三、 就郵政支局產出方面概略而言,儲匯業務與服務顧客時間的經營表現比郵務業務的表現好。而在各項業務中以簡易壽險、存簿儲金和快捷郵件屬表現相對較佳之業務;掛號函件、包裹和劃撥匯款則屬相對表現較差之業務。 四、 就郵政支局投入面而言,本研究發現約有2成的設備並未充分發揮其效用,對於此一問題管理階層不可掉以輕心,必須慎謀因應之道。 五、 透過本研究實徵分析找出五所支局,不論自我評估排名或同儕評估排名均名列前茅,屬於效率領先群;七所支局則不論自我評估或同儕評估都排名在30名以後,屬於效率落後群。 六、 在生產力變動方面,有29所支局呈現成長趨勢,7所支局呈現衰退趨勢。此外,所有支局生產力成長平均值為1.1530,顯示出近二年來個案郵政支局就整體而言之生產力有成長的現象。 七、 在效率追趕程度方面,有8所支局呈現衰退趨勢,20所支局呈現正向成長趨勢。在技術移動方面,有14所支局呈現技術衰退現象,22所支局呈現成長趨勢。
A Study of Evaluating the Operation Efficiency of Postal Branch Offices: Exemplified by Using DEA on the Branch Offices under Keelung Post Office Student:Yi-Zen Wang Advisor:Jaw-Ming Chen Institute of Management and Business College National Chiao Tung University Abstract This study analyzes the operation efficiency, including resources employment, of the fundamental units in postal service. In doing so, the method of DEA is used with the 36 branch offices under Keelung Head Office as the focus. It is hoped that this analysis report could turn out some useful in-formation for the reference of the executive level. Major findings concluded in this analysis are as follows: 1. Among the 36 branch offices evaluated, 11 are considered relatively efficient, while the rest inefficient. The inefficiency is attributed to two factors, poor techniques and ineffective size working together. 2. Among the 25 branch offices evaluated to be relatively inefficient, 23 fall into the category of “productivity grows in proportion to size augmentation”, accounting for 92%. This finding contradicts the common thinking that manpower should be cut in the pursuit of higher efficiency. Therefore, this finding bears a lot of significance and deserves close attention of the executives. 3. Generally speaking, as far as output productivity is concerned, savings business and customer service are better than postal business. In details, simple life insurance, savings and speed mail outperform registered mail, parcel and remittance. 4. On the aspect of input resource, 20% of the facilities have not been fully utilized. This problem is too serious to be ignored by the executives, and should be dealt with properly. 5. Of all the branch offices evaluated, 5 belong to the efficiency-leading group, which are outstanding both in self-evaluation and peer-evaluation, while 7 are rated to be the efficiency-lagging group. 6. On productivity profile, 29 branch offices are on the rise while the other 7 are at a low ebb. In addition, the average figure of productivity is 1.1530, indicating that in this case the productivity in the branch office level has been growing in recent two years. 7. With respect to catching-up in efficiency (CIE), 8 branch offices show the sign of deterioration and 20 go towards the positive upward direction. With respect to shift in technology (SIT), 14 branch offices are deteriorating while the other 22 are on the rise.
Appears in Collections:Thesis