Title: 旅行社應用網際網路之行銷策略研究
The Study on Travel Agent's Marketing Strategies of Internet Application
Authors: 陳姿雯
Zei-Wei Chen
Kuan-Hua Chen
Keywords: 旅行社;網際網路;Travel Agent;Internet
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 對旅遊業而言,資訊溝通、資訊展現、資訊管理、與資訊傳輸,扮演關鍵性角色,而隨著網際網路蓬勃的發展加上旅遊業為一高涉入之產業,將網際網路應用到旅遊業是適宜的也是必然的趨勢。本論文係探討旅行社應用網際網路提供旅遊資訊對消費者購買觀光旅遊服務行為之研究,希望藉由本論文的研究使旅行社業者更了解消費者行為,並提供業者在旅遊網站的設計內容及資訊傳遞時更能契合消費者的需要,繼而擬定最佳的行銷策略。
The communication, present, management and transfers of information play crucial roles in travel business. To apply Internet in travel business is a natural tendency since both of them are highly-involved industries.
This thesis tries to investigate how the combination of Internet and travel business affects customers’ behaviors in purchasing products related to travels. The goal of this study is to provide the current travel agents a better understanding of the purchasing behaviors and the needs of the present customers; thus, the travel agents would be enabled to offer a well-designed web site and further to make a well-planned marketing strategy.
This study is based on the different life style as a variety in differentiating the markets. Data from different travel agents are collected first. Customers who buy services from those travel agents are later being classified into four categories: impulsive customers, efficient customers, fashionable customers and cautious customers. Marketing advice is given according to the distinct target markets. Based on the finding, this study would be a useful reference for travel agents in making marketing strategy for particular groups of customers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis