標題: 從交易成本觀點探討價值鏈管理創新
The Innovations of Value Chain Management from Transaction Cost Perspectives
作者: 洪堯勳
Jau-Shin Hon
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 創新;交易成本;代理成本;價值鏈;Innovations;Transaction Costs;Agency Costs;Value Chain
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 本研究旨在探討資訊科技環境下,廠商如何權衡降低價值鏈代理成本與市場交易成本的創新行為。由於資訊科技的典範變革,導致市場交易成本結構產生變化,產業環境的資訊不對稱性大幅降低,使得產品標準化程度日益提昇,競爭因素由傳統單目標的產品功能差異化轉移到多目標如成本、速度、彈性及顧客服務等的訴求,這些變化將直接衝擊各產業的組織結構及價值鏈組成,廠商如何因應市場交易成本結構變化而不斷創新,是組織生存發展重要的關鍵。 本研究緣此提出一個價值鏈創新的分析架構,主要是敘述不同的時間點下,本身的價值鏈可依顧客不同的需求變動而有不同的組合選擇。此創新的型態並非傳統的垂直整合或專業分工型態,而是利用價值空間的觀念,模糊企業的角色與界線,打破以往只由產業價值鏈成員取得互補資源,轉而由不同的產業、地區、甚至競爭者的合作所形成新的價值鏈。這些創新做法包括價值鏈價值創造與分配、價值鏈的鏈結、及價值鏈的經營型態。 本研究提出的分析架構思維,協助企業降低本身內部管理的代理成本及外部顧客或價值鏈成員的交易成本。即使是擁有較少的資源,或無力於科技技術創新的廠商,仍能創造出具競爭優勢的獨特核心能力。價值鏈管理創新除可應用於產業及個別公司的發展,亦可應用於非營利事業的經營管理。本研究嘗試利用價值鏈管理創新分析架構的思維,來解析企業及產業提昇競爭優勢的策略意涵,以支持分析架構的應用性。主要以我國的宏□電腦公司進行個案解析,並將本研究的理論應用到我國半導體設備產業發展的策略考量。
The Innovations of Value Chain Management from Transaction Cost Perspectives Student: Jau-Shin Hon Advisor: Po-Young Chu Institute of Business and Management National Chiao-Tung University Abstract Due to the advent of information technologies (IT), transaction costs and information asymmetry between buyers and suppliers have been largely reduced. Hence factors that determine a company's competitiveness are shifting from product functionality to cost, speed, and flexibility to accommodate customers' service needs. Meanwhile, the impact is also shaping the value chain activities and enterprise organizational structure. The adaptation of an enterprise to those changes critically determines its viability in today's highly competitive market. The purpose of this research is to propose an innovative approach for reducing agency costs and transaction costs of value chain activities. Such that, an enterprise's value chain activities can be adaptive to customers' dynamic needs. Rather than focusing on the vertical integration or the vertical disintegration (specialization), this research proposes a concept of value space with an analytical framework. Members within the value space dynamically exchange resources according to customers' needs to form a special value chain. In our approach, three innovation processes are included: (1) value creation and distribution, (2) linkage of value chain, and (3) formation of virtual integration. By following our approach, small companies with different core competence could form alliance together and dynamically lever over their global competitors. The proposed analytical framework is applicable to the development of value chain strategies in both private-sector and public-sector industries. In this research, examples for applying the proposed framework are extended to Acer Inc. and to the development of the collaboration strategy for Taiwan IC equipment industry. Key words: Innovations, Transaction Costs, Agency Costs, Value Chain
Appears in Collections:Thesis