Title: CMP拋光參數之研究與探討
Research and Evaluation of CMP's Parameters
Authors: 林義文
I-Wen Lin
Pi-Ying Cheng
Keywords: 化學機械拋光;壓力分佈;良率;移除率;CMP;Pressure distribution;yield;Removal rate
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 在半導體製程當中,相對於其他製程的發展CMP(化學機械拋光)仍屬較新進的一環,且因對製程參數尚難掌握完整資料,而這些參數往往對其產量與良率關係密切,因此還有很多研究的空間。在半導體業競爭激烈與高良率的要求下,廠商亟思在現有CMP機台下提高其產量與良率,本研究將針對一化學機械拋光機台,做些些微的調整以求能在不用更換機器下,進而達成提高產量與良率的目的。本論文主要是提出感壓紙量測晶圓面壓力分佈法來求得其晶圓真正的受壓分佈,並結合各點研磨速率的分析,之後再分析相關的影響參數,建立有效的研磨移除率的評估模式,進而探討使晶圓上的研磨移除率更大,晶圓表面平整度更均勻的方法。由研究數據顯示,本研究所提出的方法對於CMP晶圓拋光效率的評估甚有助益。
Chemical Mechanical Polishing is still a relatively immature process in semiconductor manufacturing and as such has room to grow to get process parameters understood well enough to gain the highest productivity for existing tool sets. At the requirement of high yield, the semiconductor manufacturers want to improve the yield without buying new machines. This paper will focus on understanding process parameters and then adjust some process parameters to improve yield. This paper will promote the methods of pressure measurement to measure real distribution of pressure in wafer’s surface. And by combining the analysis of polishing velocity, we can establish an efficient model to evaluate the uniformity of polishing rate.
Appears in Collections:Thesis