標題: 台灣辦公家具演進與發展趨勢之探討
The History and Develpment Trend of Office Furniture in Taiwan
作者: 鄭正雄
Cheng-Hsiung Cheng
Dr. Ming-Chuen Chuang
關鍵字: 辦公環境;辦公室;辦公家具;系統家具;趨勢;office environment;office;office furniture;system furniture;trend
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 摘 要 有關「歷史」的探討,向來是最為困難也是最根本的研究,其可以透過研究有效保存文獻,鑑往知來;尤其是產業史的研究更是專業而迫切。本研究是擷取在辦公環境中,重要的單元─「辦公家具」為主題,針對台灣辦公家具發展歷史及現況進行全盤的調查分析,使成為有系統、有組織的產業發展重要參考文獻。再藉由過去與現在的發展,各廠商的觀點,及參酌國外的辦公家具發展,推導出未來辦公家具發展的趨勢,以提供產業釐訂未來發展方向的參考。 本研究首先藉由國內外相關文獻探討,歸納出歐、美、日的辦公家具演進過程,及其與台灣辦公家具發展的關聯性。再針對國內辦公家具資深業者作實地訪談,歸納出影響台灣辦公家具發展的背景因素,以及辦公家具發展的歷史沿革。並就辦公家具產業現況及經營問題與對策,進行深入探討。最後以各受訪者所提出的辦公家具未來發展趨勢,加上本研究者個人累積多年辦公家具專業的看法,再參酌國外的趨勢,最後歸納出台灣辦公家具未來發展趨勢。本研究所提出的辦公家具發展歷史、現況及經營問題與對策、辦公家具發展趨勢等結論,可提供設計業者、相關產業及學者專家,做進一步的深入研究,以及經營、設計上的參考。 關鍵字:辦公環境、辦公室、辦公家具、系統家具、趨勢
Abstract It is essential and difficult to study for the history. By researching the reserved documents for exploring the history, it is urgent to study for the industry history professionally. My research is focus on the “office furniture” in the office environment. That’s point out the sitution and history of “office furniture” to make overall analysis for being organized reference document for industry develpment. Furthermore, according to the develpment and all the maker’s point of view in accompany with foreign develpment of “office furniture”. It is possible to make the trend of future develpment of “office furniture” for the industry to establish the right direction in the future. My research is based on all related documents to conclude the European, US and Japanese’s develpment history of “office furniture”. By the way there are some relationship between Taiwan and foreign countries. Secondly, for digging for all the factors affected the “office furniture” develpment history in Taiwan. We interviewed with the experienced executives to find out the factors, which affected local develpment, and history of “office furniture” develpment, even, we made advanced study for solving the problem and operation difficulties in the industry. Finally, based on all the interviewer’s opinion plus my professional view, even with foreign trend, it is concluded to make the future develping trend in Taiwan market. All the develpment history, situations, problem-solutions, and trend submitted by my research are crucial references for designers and scholars to make advanced study.